Wednesday 8 January 2014

Reiki II - Ch 8. Create Your Own Intentions / Affirmations

It was recommended in the last chapter that the channel creates his/her own intentions for the situations in life where the support of Reiki is being considered. The following basic rules will help create effective intentions:

A.    Always phrase the affirmations in the present continuous tense and not in the future.
B.    Always phrase them in the most positive way that you spontaneously can. ‘No’s’ and ‘Don’t’ have the opposite effect as our mind does not have the ability to register negative words. “Do not see a red parrot” has the same effect on the mind as “See a red parrot”.
C.    Similarly, strong words like Success, Protected have a stronger effect on our minds. Words like Cancer, AIDS on the other hand have a strong negative influence on our minds. 

Doing Reiki with intentions like “The patient's Cancer is getting completely healed right now” may work for someone who has no fear of Cancer. But for someone else, who is afraid of this disease, healing may not be as effective. It is better to use intention like “He is completely healed right now” where the use of the word ‘Cancer’ has been avoided. But again more than the words, it is the associated vibrations that matter.
Words that are comforting and create a sense of relaxation are known to create better results.
D.    Keep the affirmations short and simple. Try phrasing your intentions in your own mother tongue or the language that you are most comfortable with.
E.    Choose the proper affirmations that promote peace, joy, happiness and being fair. Reiki will not let you be unjust to anyone, including yourself.
The following are just a few intentions that you can use as guidelines. Feel free to make your own. Experiment. The words are not important, the intent is.

Intention For Increasing Self Love

I Love, Accept and Approve of myself exactly as I am.  The more love I have for myself, the more love I have to give others.


Intention For Growth

Everyday, and in Every way, I am getting Better And Better.

Other Useful Intentions

•    I am getting healed at all levels of my being. I am blessed with ETERNAL YOUTH. (This will work when the basic belief is there that this may be possible, i.e. when it is a Little Lie.)
•    Love is everywhere. I am loving and loveable. I love to love and be loved.
•    I accept all my feelings as part of myself.
•    Perfect wisdom is in my heart. I am relaxed and centered, have plenty of time for everything and am enjoying everything I do.
•    The light of God within me is producing perfect results in every phase of my life now.
To Forgive Others (should be used for self also)
I forgive [PERSON'S NAME] and accept him EXACTLY as he/she is. I forgive him and set myself free.

To Create Abundance

•    There is an abundance of Love, Peace, Harmony, Happiness and Prosperity in my life.
•    I deserve the best in all areas of my life and I accept the best NOW.
•     Everything I need is coming to me easily and effortlessly.
•    Its okay for me to have everything I want.


For Relationships

•    My relationship with (name of the person) is growing happier and more fulfilling every day.
•    We love, accept and approve of each other exactly as we are.
•    We respect what the other person is doing in life.
•    Everyday and in every way, we are getting better and better. We have a wonderful loving relationship.


For Satisfaction at Work

•    I now have a perfect, satisfying, well paying job.  I love doing my work, and I am richly rewarded, creatively and financially.
•    I now have enough time, energy, wisdom and money to accomplish all my desires.
•    I am always in the right place, at the right time and doing the right thing.
•    I have a wonderful job with wonderful pay. I do wonderful service in a wonderful way.


Everyday Reiki Prayer

(Can be done for self and the rest of the family at the same time – just replace ‘I’ with ‘We’ and make other changes wherever required)
•    I am a wonderful person and love, accept, and approve of myself EXACTLY as I am. Everyday, and in every way, I am getting better and better.
•    Today is one of the best days of my life and everything is happening for my good. 
•    Everything I need is coming to me.  Everything I need to know is revealed to me.


Make your Projects

Some situations however, need more detailed working as one intention may not get the desired results. This is commonly known as Doing Reiki for Projects which basically is a group of intentions for the same situation. 



A student is not doing well at studies and his well wishers are Second Degree Reiki Channels who want to help him. His not being able to get good grades could be due to various reasons that could include:
•    Lacking motivation.
•    Not having proper guidance.
•    Not able to sit and concentrate at one place for extended periods of time.
•    Not able to remember things.
•    Not able to recall what he has learnt.
•    Having examination phobia.
•    Not having proper environment at home.
•    Distractions like TV, sports etc.
The list is endless and can include other problems specific to different individuals. 

A proper Reiki project for the above situation would include intentions (or Affirmations) for each of the above listed problems. Thus, a sample project may look like:
•    The child is self-motivated to study. He puts in appropriate amount of time everyday for his academic growth.
•    He has the perfect guidance available at the appropriate cost that helps him with his studies.
•    He is able to sit and concentrate for the required amount of time everyday.
•    He remembers whatever he studies.
•    He is able to fully recall whatever he has learned whenever he needs it in life.
•    He loves writing his exams.
•    The environment at home is perfectly conducive for his growth.
•    He spends only that much time in front of the TV or in sports as is required for him to feel relaxed.
These intentions should be written down properly, preferably in the mother tongue of the channel. It is recommended that Reiki be done on the project every day for at least ten to fifteen minutes (or for as long as intuition guides you).

Word of Caution:

Care should be taken to include all possible problems that could have an influence on the project in advance and proper intentions incorporated. It is okay to add or modify the projects at a later date as guided by wisdom.

Additional thoughts on Projects

It is a good idea to sit down before starting any project and study your own motives for wanting to bring about the changes in another person, the child in the above example. Let me share a couple of actual healing experiences and you will understand this very important issue.

Healing Experience:

Two young persons in the same Reiki class had fathers who had drinking problems. They made almost identical projects and did Reiki for the same number of weeks. One channel reported that the results were fantastic as his father’s daily consumption had come down from almost six drinks to just about two. The second person became agitated on hearing this result as he had exactly opposite results to show for his efforts - his father had started drinking much more than he used to.
Why this happened?
The first channel was from a family where drinking was not such a big issue. He himself was not averse to drinking and admitted having a beer or two every now and then. His mental state was that “Drinking alcohol is not bad as long as it is under control”.
The second channel was from a family where drinking alcoholic drinks was a very big issue. He himself hated the thought of drinking to the extent of expressing his dislike verbally against people who drank.
What happens is that the channel himself gets healed before getting the desired results in others. In this situation, the channel needed to get rid of his aversion to drinking before his healing could become effective for his father. By no way this should be taken to mean that I am advocating drinking alcohol. I am not. All that was needed was the healer being in a state of balance and accept that drinking is a part of life for some and people do not need to be hated (and therefore rejected) just because of one habit.
Coming back to the above experience - the second channel’s efforts were also not wasted as he noticed that his father started smoking lesser number of cigarettes while Reiki was being done for the drinking habit. The channel sheepishly admitted that he was not averse to smoking as he himself smoked a few cigarettes a day himself.
Let us come back to the situation where Reiki is being done for the child’s studies.
Of the following two options, what should be the proper mental state of the Reiki channel doing Reiki for a child who is not doing too well in studies?

Option A:

The channel should be thinking that the child HAS to do well in studies. He HAS to get at least 80 % or else he will be a failure in life. Nothing can be gained in life without a solid academic background.

Option B:

It is okay for the child to get good marks but it is no big deal if he fails sometime. All students do not get the same grades in every exam. Everything is okay as long as he is happy doing what he is doing. Being a good decent human being is more important than getting good grades.
The obvious one is the second option. A channel with such a mental state is more liable to get better results in a shorter period of time as compared to the first channel.
What if you happen to be like the First Channel and have to do Reiki for your child so that he improves his academic performance?
Do self-healings with appropriate intentions till you reach the level where you can properly do Reiki for your own child. You will know that it is time for your healing to become effective when you start noticing that you are not getting as disturbed by his occasional failures as you used to.
Some additional intentions that can be incorporated in the above project for a child’s studies:
•    Our expectations regarding the child’s academic performance match his abilities.
•    He is getting the proper guidance so that his unique talents come to the fore.
•    He is being guided to a career that matches his talents.
Always keep in mind that we cannot always be the best judges for what is good for others. There are other forces at work and great things happen when we do not interfere with the natural forces by thoughts of worry, negative emotions etc.
Choose your intentions with love, wisdom, patience and understanding. Look into your own mind first. Is there some kind of fear if the results are not what your want? How much are you emotionally attached to the results of the situation that you are trying to heal?  If these states are there, then you need to do some self-healing before you can successfully heal others?
That is why it is said that “Healer, heal thyself first”.

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