Music Helps

The results of Reiki healing sessions are remarkably different when some soft music is playing at low volume in the background. Music helps to relax the mind and a relaxed healing facilitator does end up producing much better results.  

What also happens during extended healing sessions is that the healing facilitator anyway goes into a deeply meditative state of mind and she/he often ends up losing track of time. It is therefore advisable that the music that is playing has some kind of sound - like the sound of a bell - to indicate when the 3 minutes are over. The healing facilitator will not need to look at the clock every now and then, something that is anyway difficult to do in the meditative state.

But then I am also not stating that Reiki can not be done without music. Great if the appropriate music happens to be playing. In case it is not, go ahead and do Reiki anyway without the music.

The following music CD has been my eternal favourite and I strongly recommend it. It is available at Crossword stores for Rs. 350.00 only.

There are some great selections available on the net too - shop around and find the one you really like to enhance your own Reiki experience.

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