Tuesday 16 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 9: Belief Systems And Life Situations that Get In the Way

One of the tragedies of the Reiki system is that more than fifty percent channels do not progress beyond the First - Degree level of learning. This means that just have not got any benefit that this system can potentially bring into their lives.

Candid research with a large number of Reiki channels over the years has revealed some common reasons for their not being able to practice at the First Degree level. Obviously the faith does not develop and they keep on living their lives of resignation.

Some of these reasons are discussed in this chapter so that you know which pitfalls to avoid. 

In case you, the reader, can’t figure out your own reasons for not being able to practice, please feel free to get in touch; I am committed to ensure that everyone benefits.

Human minds are conditioned to believe that ‘some diseases are life companions and just can’t be cured.’ When the same minds are told, maybe after years of seeking help elsewhere, that their physical problems can be taken care of by a simple process of touching the body at various points after getting attuned, the rationalist conditioned minds rebel and just refuse to accept this fact. This is because the existing belief system is being seriously challenged. As a result, some people do attend the first degree but still miss out on this golden opportunity that has come their way. They need to approach this system with a more open mind so that they can also benefit from this amazing system of healing.

Then there are those new channels who accept the fact that some ‘special’ people may indeed be able to activate this ability to heal simply by touching but not them. The belief system could also be that these special people were the Rishis, Munis, Sages and other enlightened beings. They just refuse to accept the fact that they can also get the benefits and that they do not need years and years – maybe lifetimes – of meditation and other spiritual or religious practices. 

The thoughts are, “How can we lowly human beings get this ability without any serious effort and that too in, a matter of a few hours only?” The end result is that these potential healing facilitators also do not put in the required practice that is needed for their faith and trust to develop. Eventually they too end up not gaining anything.

Then there are those who do have faith in the Reiki system and also do believe that it is something that can be learned. What stops them, however, from devoting the time required for putting in the basic practice is ‘lack of belief in their own selves’. Please understand that almost everyone who attends the First Degree workshop does so with some degree of self-doubts. It depends entirely on you as to how you are going to tackle this issue. What I recommend is – practice doing Reiki on others for this is the route that worked for me. The only way that I was able to overcome my self-doubts was by putting in the time that was required for my faith to develop. The healing that I did for others at the level of the First Degree was without any experiences as far as results were concerned. Yes, there was a little bit of risk that I took every time. I think the reason for my growing to the Second Degree level and beyond was this ability to face this fear of failure without allowing my ego to get caught up in the process. Great results followed automatically and that helped develop my initial faith. Remember that no matter how much faith we all may have in the Reiki system or in the healing abilities of others, it is our faith that matters. This fear is invariably there in almost everyone who attends the First Degree class. Therefore have a bit of faith – at least in the person who recommended Reiki to you in the first place – and do touch healing on the first person that you can. Have no expectations about the result. Tell yourself when having even a bit of doubts, “So what if healing does not take place?” And then sit and do Reiki – something will eventually happen. This is one of the reasons that we have practical classroom training of self treatment as well as treating others. This is an important aspect of the learning experience.

Another common damaging belief system is being told in the class that the system is very, very easy to learn when our minds believe that everything good has to come after lots of efforts and struggle.

Believe me when I say that learning Reiki is as easy as learning how to make chapattis or learn how to ride a bicycle, drive a car or how to swim. Can thousands of instruction manuals, training videocassettes etc. help you master these tasks? What do you have to do to learn to do these tasks – get the basic instructions and then keep on practicing till you eventually get it. What does a child do when he is learning to take his first steps and falls? Does he keep on sitting there for the rest of his life, grumbling that he can’t walk? Follow the same process for learning Reiki. Sounds so easy and too good to be true! Believe me it is.

Remember, you do not need to have any initial faith in Reiki to be successful in the practice. I had ZERO faith in Reiki initially and actually laughed when I was told about the Distance Healing part.   
There is only one way to find out whether or not Reiki works for you and that you have become a healing facilitator – that is by consistent practice.

And there is only one way to become better – regular practice.

Other factors

However, this may not be as simple as it sounds as there are other factors, apparently beyond our control, that can also interfere, with our developing as healing facilitators.

Some Channels do not have the proper home atmosphere that is conducive to freely practice Reiki. Generally, there is a spouse, children and other close family member who just will not understand.

To these channels, I have only this to say – we all run into someone sooner or later, someone very close, who just will not understand the concept of touch healing and Reiki. Remember they are not the ones who have been exposed to the class room training and the experience that we have got. They are not going to read this manual, either. Gently remind yourself that Reiki is not for everyone. Please do not make an issue about it whenever you face resistance. The logic behind thousands of explanations and experiences will never ever convince the ‘non-believers’. The ‘believers’ require just one gentle nudge, even a small experience and they will come running to become channels too. So, why try to convince the ones who are not going to be convinced anyway. It just is not worth it. By all means, share openly about your experiences but without any expectations of having them join up. Everyone on planet earth is not ready to experience the same shift in consciousness at the same time.

But it becomes a problem if this environment at home interferes and stops you from practicing. 

If that indeed is the case, then I suggest that you go to the Second Degree level as soon as possible. You will then be able to do self-treatments without anyone actually noticing it. You will also be able to do distance Reiki for these family members so that they start accepting you and ‘your’ Reiki.

Genuine Lack of Time

This recommendation – of doing the Second Degree without going through the First Degree practice – is also valid for those who really do not have the time for the First Degree practice because of their extremely busy lives. They barely have time to catch up with their minimum requirement of sleep and just doze off the moment they start their Reiki practice.

Those channels who are able to overcome their initial doubts and spend the time required for learning and doing Reiki feel a transformation taking place within their being. They start feeling more relaxed, their confidence levels and self-belief increases. They start feeling more energetic and more in control of their own lives. The problems in life are taken care of as if magically.

Remember that Reiki is a very gentle tool for very, very powerful transformations but it will work only when you allow it to work, only when you create the space and time and allow all this to happen. The existing belief systems will change with every new experience. You will then have the faith – not only in Reiki but also in your own abilities as a healing facilitator. Unlimited growth happens naturally but only if you allow it to happen.

You will believe all this only when you have the benefit of the experience.

The fact remains that in life you must:
Either magnify your skills


…   modify your dreams.

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