Monday 15 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 4: Healing Sessions

Starting the Session

All healing sessions begin with the following short prayer, also known as the Attitude of Gratitude:

•    First thank yourself.

•    Next thank Reiki energy for being with you during the session

•    In case the healing session is for someone else, then thank that person too.

•    Thank God, Nature, Dr. Mikao Usui, any Devas that you have faith in, your teachers, parents, family members etc.

If someone is not the praying kind and does not want to start off with this prayer, it is perfectly fine because it is the intention to heal and not the prayer that activates the flow of energy. The prayer is just a way to bring this intention into conscious awareness. Reiki starts flowing the moment the intention is there, with or without the prayer.

The Touch

Now all that is needed is a loving touch at various positions as demonstrated. The touch can either be gentle (as with soft cupped hands) or hard. As far as Reiki therapy is concerned, the end results will be the same but a gentle loving touch is what I strongly recommend.

Firstly, because of the feel-good factor associated with a gentle touch which we all sub-consciously accept.

A rather more important fact is that there are certain sensations associated with the Reiki flow. The possibility to experience these sensations does go up when the touch is gentle. It is not guaranteed though, as there are various other factors that come into play which will be discussed during the workshop.

It is therefore recommended that the touch be gentle with soft hands forming little cup like shapes and fingers kept loosely apart.

In situations involving doing Reiki for persons of the opposite sex, touching might not be appropriate at certain body positions. Keeping the hand about 3-6 inches away from the body is fine and actual touch is really not required. This is because healing starts the moment the connection is made with another person’s aura.

The Duration of the Session

Depending on the requirement, normal healing sessions can take anywhere from 15 minutes to about 90 minutes although they can be longer too.

Full Body Sessions
Twenty four different positions have been identified, each requiring a minimum of three minutes of healing for a complete Full Body Healing Session. Seventy two minutes is a bit too long for those leading busy lives. The ones having constraint of time can break down the Full Body Session into two sessions of about thirty six minutes each with one session in the morning and the second at bed-time. This may make practicing Reiki a bit more manageable for most.

I also strongly advocate that full body treatments be done with soft music playing in the background. The music should be tailor made for Reiki sessions with the three minutes intervals clearly defined. It sets the mind free from the need to look at the clock every now and then. The effect of the healing session is enhanced when the mind is totally at ease for the duration of the session.

Standard Operative Procedure for Emergencies
Full Body Sessions are not required in every situation. The following examples should make the process clearer:

First Example:
A minor injury like a cut finger, a bruised knee or a minor burn etc. may require healing at the injured place for ten to fifteen minutes only. It may not be possible to directly touch the injured body part because of bleeding, burns etc. As discussed above, as long as the healing facilitator’s hand is within the Aura of the patient, direct touch is not really required for Reiki to work.

Word of Caution: We have observed that Reiki healing is NOT immediately effective whenever the healer is in an emotionally disturbed state of mind.

For example, a calm relaxed parent is known to get better results while healing his/her injured child as compared to a parent who is emotionally upset. Should this kind of situation ever arise, start the healing process anyway as Reiki will help calm the mind while taking care of the emergency simultaneously. The duration of the session will increase by a bit of time. The alternative is to seek help from senior healers who can support the parent who is a channel. It is being assumed that proper medical help is also on the way.

It is a case of doing something to help the patient during emergencies versus doing nothing.

Continuous full body treatments over a period of time do help the emotionally unstable individuals to become balanced ones.

Second Example:

In certain healing situations, healing may be required on the associated chakras as well.

For example, a person who has suffered a hard knock on the knee may require healing at the Root Chakra in addition to healing on the knee. This is because the Root Chakra is responsible for the energy flowing to the bones. Additional healing at the Root Chakra is known to help. But other chakras may get involved too.

This is being discussed at length in another chapter.

Other Feelings / Sensations Associated with Reiki Healing

The intuitive healing facilitators might notice an inner ‘desire’ of not ‘wanting’ to move the hands from certain positions during a healing session.

Then there will be some channels who are able to experience sensations associated with Reiki Healings which will be discussed during the workshop. The feelings may appear stronger at certain positions and might be non-existing at others. 

The possibility is that the new channels start believing that healing is not required at the positions where there are no sensations. 

Not really. At this point, I can only advice the novice healing facilitators not to jump to any conclusions if and when this happens. There can be a lot of factors contributing to this and need to be analyzed on a case to case basis.

In both the above cases, devoting extra time for extended healing is recommended at the positions where the stronger feelings are noticed. At the same time, it is not being recommended that healing at other positions should not be done.

Doing the full-body healing when in doubt will in anyway not cause any harm. So go ahead and share fully.

Customize your treatments

The ’90 minutes (actual healing time of 72 minutes plus starting and recovery time) full body healing session’ is just a guideline and should not be taken as an absolute truth. Ultimately all channels need to judge their individual requirements through self experience.

The rule of thumb is that all healing sessions should end when the facilitators start feeling relaxed and at peace. If this does not happen within about 90 minutes of starting, it is time to throw this ‘rule’ out of the window and do healing for as long as it takes to start feeling relaxed. This is very important and has to be understood in the proper context.

For instance, extra healing may be required on the head positions and the heart chakra on days when there is additional stress in life. Ladies may require extra healing – and therefore more time – during their periods when more healing may be needed on the lower three chakras.

General Expectations

What generally happens is that the new channels do experience some kind of relief in the self-healing session in the class room which generally takes about 90 minutes to complete from start to finish. They then start expecting the same kind of results at home too which generally does not happen.

In part, it is because it is the attachment-to-result that has now crept into the consciousness that interferes with the result.

But the main reason is that the environment and the energies at home are a lot different than the ones at the place of the workshop.

There is also the fact that at times the energy requirements for the body fluctuate during the day.

The other factors that could influence the immediate energetic requirements are feelings of wellness and joy when the requirement is definitely reduced. We do need a bigger pick-me-up when we are feeling down.

An excellent yardstick to have is ‘End the healing-session only when you start feeling good’.

The fact remains that there are far too many factors that could influence whether healing work actually happens or not especially while working with others. 

There could be karmic reasons that get in the way. I have had cases where the channels could not do any healing at all for the family member for whom they came to the workshop in the first place. 

In some cases the channels needed to do the Second Degree Course before they could effectively start working with the near and dear one; they had to first work on the blockages with the help of the distance healing ability (associated with Second Degree learning) before they were able to work with the one dear to them.

In case you are one who is unfortunately stuck in a similar situation, seek personal guidance. The answers surely follow but only when the question has been asked.

And so it is.

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