Why Reiki?

Whether we like it or not, we all have problems in life that we rather not have. These could be issues relating to health, finances, relationships or a general dissatisfaction with life. While we all wish for things to be better, most generally do not take any action to initiate the changes that are required. 

If you happen to be reading this, then chances are that you are one of the few actively working towards change in order to get ahead and on top of life. If that is the case then welcome aboard – a new and better existence is indeed waiting for you!

I too was looking for solutions to my share of life’s problems when the miracle that is Reiki came into my life. I had been suffering from High Blood Pressure for about ten years, had occasional episodes of intense headaches, was generally irritable and prone to eruptions at the slightest opportunity. In addition, there was a general discontentment in life and that too for no apparent reason at all. I had everything going for me – at least, externally. Not being the nine-to-five kind of person, I was Self Employed, thanks to my Engineering Degree. This meant that I was my own boss with a steady income. I was living in my own home with all the basic necessities needed in life and a wonderful family. Yet a key element of joy seemed to be missing. Everything seemed futile. There was a deep dissatisfaction with in. A deep gnawing inside and unanswered questions like ‘Why am I here?’ ‘What is the purpose of all this?’ used to bother me constantly.

It was then that I was recommended Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga to take care of these and some other issues that I was facing then. I immediately joined a camp where these were being taught, and started practicing diligently. This did help to quieten the noises within and  the missing element of joy did come back into my life. 

Over a period of time, it became increasingly tougher to keep up with these practices, partly because of the requirement of time early in the morning day after day, week after week.

Looking back, I know that things shifted again on the 27th and 28th July, 1996 when Reiki came into my life in the form of a First Degree Workshop. I learnt the basic techniques of touch healing and was witness to some very remarkable healing experiences during the initial days itself. Even the sceptic in me could not deny what were apparently miracles as there was no logical explanation available to describe properly what was happening right in front of my eyes. 

What followed was a period of intense learning and internal growth accompanied by a radical change in the way I viewed life. Second Degree, 3 A, Master and then Grandmaster training in the Reiki system were a natural progression. The problems that had brought Reiki into my life were also getting resolved and that was sufficient fuel to keep me going. 

The practice of Reiki brought about a complete shift in my perception of situations that I used to formerly consider as ‘problems’. There is a deep understanding of why these situations are there and the wisdom that is contained within them. As a result of my internal shift, the (earlier) denial of tough situations has now been replaced by an attitude of acceptance. There is deep peace within, accompanied by a feeling of joy for no apparent reason most of the time. I will risk sounding a bit arrogant while claiming that I have finally understood the purpose and the miracle of my Life on earth this time around, but that is the way it is.

I am not claiming that all the ‘problems’ in my life have disappeared. The occasional dark moments are there to remind me that there is something more to be learnt. As I have now got the knowledge and the tools to deal with them; the dark periods in a way are not as upsetting as they used to be. The tough times (known as bad times previously) are also honoured and cherished as I have now realised, after repeated experiences that they are there for a reason. This keeps me free to enjoy the other moments in life that were earlier being wasted in either brooding about the past or worrying about the future.  This in itself is the greatest shift that has taken place in me – thanks to Reiki. 

Enough about me – you can definitely think of giving Reiki a serious try in case you:
  • Are suffering from diseases including those labelled incurable. 
  • Are plagued with thoughts like: ‘Life is a drag and so utterly meaningless and useless’, ‘I get bored so easily even with activities that are otherwise exciting,’ ‘Why do these things keep on happening to me?’  etc.
  • Are frequently in a state of stress, anxiety, depression etc. for no apparent reason.
  • Have to put in a lot of efforts even for simple routine tasks in life.
  • Are generally not able to concentrate, focus on the job at hand.

In my opinion, these are warning signs that all is not well. 

Please also take a moment to consider the following very, very carefully:

While the Medical Science is doing wonderful things for the human body, it still has not been able to do much to help the human minds that generally are in a state of turmoil and stress. Researchers worldwide have already confirmed that the practices of Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama and Reiki are very, very beneficial for many ailments of the mind and body. The Attitude of Scepticism and Rejection towards these practices by the Medical fraternity is now being replaced by one of grudging Acceptance. This is leading to a stronger recommendation of these methods by Doctors too as they understand the limitations of their system of healing.

In short, humans have to make one of these practices a regular part of their lives and the sooner this realization dawns on everyone, the better.

Why Reiki?

I do not wish to take anything away from the practices of Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama as these are all wonderful tools in their own way for achieving and maintaining good health.  What got me really hooked to Reiki was the fact that:
  • Reiki can be practiced at any time of the day. This set me totally free from the limitations of time-in-the-early-morning that is necessary for the practice of Pranayama and Yoga.
  • Reiki can be practiced while watching TV or while driving or while waiting for appointments.
  • Reiki can be done after meals too, which again, is not the case with Yoga and Pranayama.

In a sense, Reiki gave me a lot of freedom as this is a system that is very, very flexible. I personally think that the Reiki system is custom-designed for people who are hard pressed for time in life. I have seen people from diverse backgrounds that include homemakers, corporate bigwigs, students – you name it – getting the benefits. So can you.

By the way, you do not need to have faith in Reiki to start learning and practicing. Faith comes later – AFTER you have got the benefits. This in itself is an amazing fact regarding the Reiki system. Just having an open mind to give the system a fair trial is all that it takes to get you started.

I am sharing some of my experiences and the basic information regarding the Reiki System of Natural Healing in this space. I do hope that this helps you transform your life the way you wish to.

Wishing you all the best for the remaining journey of your life.

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