Wednesday 17 April 2013

An Open Letter to the New Channels

Dear Reiki Channel,

Now that you are a First Degree Channel, your responsibility is to heal yourself first before thinking of healing others. 

If you are enjoying normal health and are not suffering from any chronic ailments, then do a full body treatment daily for a period of at least 21 days. Then try and make it a habit to do the treatments as recommended for the rest of your life.

If you are suffering from some chronic ailment, then do full body treatments for as long as required to take care of the ailment. Do additional Reiki at the positions that might need it in addition to the full body sessions. These specific positions should be treated for at least 2-3 sessions of 30 minutes each.

For fresh injuries like cuts, burns, sprains etc. treat locally for as long as you feel the sensation of energy flowing or for as long as the recipient wants it. The hands may be kept a little distance away in the aura if the skin can not be touched directly. 

In certain cases the pain of a fresh injury may shoot up after a few hours of relief with a Reiki session. Do not worry and assure the healee too, as any discomfort caused by Reiki treatment is a good sign. It is a positive sign that the root cause of the pain etc. is going out of the body. Give a couple of more sessions of treatment - the discomfort will disappear.

In fact, any signs of increasing discomfort appearing during or after Reiki treatments are very positive signs and indicate that healing is taking place. Continue treatment.

Do not tell the healee to stop any medication. Reiki treatments speed up the healing process and the medicines will work faster. For patients with chronic problems, reduce the medicines only when recommended by the treating Doctors.

Reiki treatments may result in an increase or decrease in appetite. The energy level may also fluctuate. You may start having more vivid dreams. There could be an increase in the frequency of passing urine and stool. Do not worry if any of these occur - these are all positive signs.

Reiki treatments do not have any adverse effects at all. At times, old problems may be resolved and the person receiving Reiki may feel like crying. It is advisable to let go at that time and have a good session of crying - it has great therapeutic value.

During treatments, if the feeling in the hands or your intuition tells you that certain parts require more energy, then continue doing Reiki as long as your ‘feelings’ tell you to. 
It’s important to remember that you are just a Reiki channel. You do not heal but are just a medium for the energy to flow. This flow is entirely dependent on the recipient - more the need, more the flow.

Do not be emotionally attached to the results of Reiki sessions. This is the biggest stumbling block as it interferes with healing sessions while treating close relatives, friends etc. A detached mind gets the best results. 

Reiki does not interfere with any other exercise program such as Yoga, Pranayama, meditation etc. In fact, these activities and Reiki are mutually supportive. Having said that, there is only a limited amount of energy that our body can take in at any given time – pushing any more may try to cause too many changes at the emotional and mental levels and that is not always a very comfortable process as we resist change. 

Reiki does not harm the recipient in any way. At times, if certain health problems are not getting cured then circumstances will develop in such a way that the right guidance for further medical treatment, surgery etc. will come out of the blue. 

Keeping this in mind - use Reiki in all life situations. There are just no limitations to using Reiki. All you have to do is - PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND PRACTICE.

Keep on coming back to this manual again and again, especially when you are feeling low. You may just find the proper guidance somewhere every time. Or some knowledge may just sink in this time around.

Should there be an emergency, God forbid, try Reiki. It is the best first aid ever known. In case you are feeling overwhelmed and are unable to do Reiki, call us. Our services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in such situations. Please bear in mind that no energy exchange is required for these emergency sessions as we are just doing what was done for us so many times by Shri Nanak Varlaniji when we were where you are now. 

May your journey be even more blessed than ours has been.

With Love, Light and Reiki,
Gurjeet (aka Dolly) and Surinder Pal Singh Makker

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