Wednesday 17 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 11: Scanning and Healing

The palms of some new Reiki channels become sensitive to the subtle energies of Reiki within a few days of practice. This heightened sensitivity can be used by them quite effectively to sense the areas of the body where a patient needs more healing energies. 

The technique discussed below has been found to be very effective for providing quick relief when used during healing sessions for others as it helps in detecting the areas that require more life force energy. Healing can then be focused on these areas directly.

The following is the process:

Start with the Attitude of Gratitude and also ask for assistance to be intuitively guided to the places where the person needs focused healing.

If you are sitting on the right side of the patient (who obviously should be lying down on his back), place your left hand around 10-12 inches away from the person’s crown chakra, i.e. away from the top of his head..

Take a few deep breaths and be aware of the feelings in the palm of this hand. It will help if your eyes are closed and you are feeling completely relaxed. 

Move this hand slowly closer towards the head to a distance of about four to six inches and notice the sensations. 

Next start moving this hand slowly from above the top of the head within the aura of the healee, above his face and down towards the feet, while it continues to be about four to six inches away from his body.

Focus on the feelings in the hand and notice any changes in the way that the energy is registering in the palm of the hand. Feelings like coolness, warmth, tingling, pressure, little electric shocks, pulsating, distortions, irregularity, magnetism or a pulling sensation are generally experienced. 

The changes in feelings indicate the places more healing is required. Initially these changes in feelings will be very, very subtle.

Trust the feelings in your hands – the feelings are not creations of your imagination. Initially, very close attention may be needed because of poor sensitivity which does improve with practice.

After locating the area that needs healing, move your hand very slowly first up and then down i.e. away from the body and then towards the body at that point itself in order to locate the point in the aura where maximum disturbance is noticed. The distance could be as high as several feet away from the body, or it may be very close to the body.

Effectively, you will be locating the exact point within the aura where potential blocks are located that are obstructing the flow of energy.

Having located the block, bring both the hands together at this place which it could be a few feet away from the body and channel Reiki for as long as the feelings do not subside. Reiki will heal the aura, the chakra(s) and the physical body.

Re-scan the area to confirm that the local disturbance has healed; else continue doing Reiki at that point. Scan once again to confirm that the healing is complete.

Redo the whole process in order to locate other points that may need your attention. 

Continue doing so until the whole energy field has been covered. Have the patient turn over so as to locate the blocks at the back that could be contributing to the problem. Be open to the fact that energy blocked at the back could be contributing to the problems at the front of the body. Do not have any pre-conceived notions as to where the blocks should exist.

The patient whose aura has been treated before the physical body responds better to the Reiki treatments as the energy field accepts Reiki completely. The energy flows more easily during the regular Reiki treatment, thereby increasing the effect of the regular sessions.

It is recommended that scanning and healing be done before regular treatments.

Again, all new channels will not be able to use this technique. This is meant for the ones who begin noticing sensations in the palms of the hands while doing Reiki healings for others. 

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