Sunday 14 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 1: Reiki – An Introduction

The word ‘Reiki’ (pronounced Ray-Key) comes from two Japanese words Rei and Ki.

REI:  A widely accepted interpretation of Rei is Universal or that which is present everywhere. The Japanese Kanji characters have several levels of meanings ranging from the ordinary to the more cryptic. ‘Supernatural Knowledge’, ‘Spiritual Consciousness’ or simply ‘God Consciousness’ are more accurate and apt interpretations for the Kanji of the word Rei.

KI:  Ki is the same as Chi in Chinese, Ti or Ki in Hawaiian, Ka of the Egyptians and Prana in our culture.

Rei + Ki: The word Reiki can be interpreted as Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy that exists all over the Universe.

In a way, Reiki can be said to be another form of the Life Force Energy that permeates, circulates within and fills the entire being of all living beings.

Life Force Energy vs. Other Energies

Life Force is the energy because of which we all are alive. Yet, even today it is neither as widely acknowledged nor accepted as the other forms of energies like Heat, Wind, Light, Sound, Magnetism and even Electricity are. Amazing?

The reality is that ‘What Energy is?’ just can’t be explained in simple everyday language. Energies can be felt, or should I say Experienced. No one can actually see the everyday common energies of heat, light, wind, sound, electricity etc. But we are aware of them and the impact that they have. We know what happens when, for example, we happen to touch something real hot with bare hands.

The fact remains that the real importance of Life Force Energy and its direct impact on Human Health has not yet sunk into mass human consciousness. Even today, we just do not relate to it as intimately as we do to the other energies that we live with. In the sense that we do not start thinking of Life Force the moment we have everyday experiences of feeling tired, weak/not fully fit or are having a headache.

We just do not automatically start thinking, “Oh! I am running short of Life Force Energy OR the Life Force energy just got blocked somewhere and is not circulating the way it should.”

We the ones who are living in the 21st century understand so much more about everything else that is going on in the rest of the Universe but are rather ignorant about what is happening inside our own beings. It is funny and even crazy. At the same time, it is rather sad.

Life Force Energy is what makes us tick and is keeping us Alive, Kicking and Being the Creators that we are.

Restrict the flow and we fall sick. Keep on restricting the flow persistently, some kind of chronic ailment starts to build up. Stop the flow altogether and we are Dead.

The force of Gravity did exist even before someone started thinking about it when he noticed that apples fall vertically downwards.

The question that keeps on popping up in my mind is, ‘Was this person who discovered gravity crazy or what?' I mean looking at apples falling down and wondering why it was happening. Didn’t he have anything better to do? The fact remains that it is crazy humans who have changed human consciousness. Forever!

We do look down at the human beings who used to think not too long ago that earth was flat and that the ships that sail too far away will topple over the edge. Till some crazy person came along and sailed around the earth to effectively change human perception and consciousness forever.

I am positive that the future human race will look down at us in a similar way. We who think that we are so intelligent and brilliant and have created all that we have in the 21st century are rather stupid. For all we do is keep popping pills whenever something goes wrong with our physical bodies. We do not even think about doing something to boost the Life Force Energy.

Whether we acknowledge the law of gravity or not, the end result would still be the same for everything that is thrown off a high building. It has absolutely the same effect on all things – living or dead.

We have all intimately experienced what happens when electricity is supplied at a low voltage. In other words, the effects of low voltage or disruption of electric supply are embedded deep in our consciousness. Not so for Life Force Energy / Reiki. At least not yet.

It is not easy to really explain what Reiki is; it just has to be personally and intimately experienced. Try describing the taste of an ice-cream to someone who has never eaten one. It is an exercise in futility that can easily be addressed.

Briefly, Reiki therapy is the healing technique that uses the Universal Life Force Energy to heal, harmonise and balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of a human being.

The connection to this wonderful energy is made during the process of Attunement performed by a Reiki Master during the First Degree Workshop.

The attuned attendees become Reiki Channels who can now channelise the energy. Further inputs in terms of regular practise, attending advanced workshops, expansion of the knowledge regarding life and its problems are then needed before the new Reiki Channels can become full-fledged healing facilitators.

The next question that is bound to crop up sooner or later is, ‘How does energy heal?’

We all know that everything in our bodies – the cells, the tissues, the blood vessels and the blood flowing through them – is ultimately made up of energy which is described as ‘Life Force’ or by a simple Sanskrit word ‘Prana’. A deficiency or blockage of this Life Force creates the physical ailments. Boosting the flow and removing the obstructions has a reverse effect.


Inherent Healing Ability in All Living Beings

All living beings have an inherent ability to heal. Reiki treatments activate this inherent ability that humans also possess but are largely disconnected from. The fact is that an average human being is not in touch with this ability because of an over-reliance on external means for even the common everyday problems. To have the level of faith needed to heal real serious long term chronic ailments is beyond the capacity of humans walking on earth today. Simply because it will require a tremendous shift in Consciousness of the ones involved.

Whether we believe in it or not, but the reality is that our body does have a tremendous capacity to heal itself when allowed to do so.

Learning to take care of simple everyday issues like feeling tired at the end of the day, dealing with stress related headaches, body-aches etc. is the first step to the journey of ultimately allowing the body take care of deeper and more complex issues. Not only allowing the body to take care of itself but also by actively assisting in the process by taking in more and more of the required energy.

How does it happen? That’s a question that has not yet been answered. While billions and billions are being spent on research to make newer medicines, even a small percentage on observing the effects that boosting life force energy can have on human health will work wonders.

Human beings do become better whenever Life Force Energy is given a boost. It just happens, that’s it. Reiki has to be experienced personally in order to know what it is and what all it can do.


How long does it take for Basic Faith to Build?

Not long years of practice. Not even months. The recommended daily practice time for average adults who do not yet have any major chronic ailment is about 90 minutes.

A period of 21 days of regular practice (of about 90 minutes every day) is sufficient for most non-believers to start believing in it because of the effect such healing sessions have on the body and life in general.

One who has gone through this basic experience inevitably ends up saying that ‘something’ positive has happened ever since Reiki was incorporated in life.

21 days of consistent practice makes it a total of 31.5 hours. Add to that whatever class room time it takes to become a channel. The total involvement and commitment is for Time equivalent to less than TWO DAYS.

That’s it. Two days in Life is all it takes to set anyone on a wonderful and amazing journey called Reiki. Two days out of the whole life is all that it takes for beginning to embrace and experience Life in a way never experienced before.

Attending the First Degree Workshop and consistently doing self healing for a short period of three weeks is the first step.

So, are you ready to experience Reiki, integrate it and then Transform Your Life?  I as a Reiki Grand Master think that you are. The fact that you are reading this is sufficient proof for me.

Whether you do end up experiencing Reiki or not in this life is your choice indeed.

And so it is.

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