Tuesday 16 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 6: Levels of Learning in Reiki

Traditionally, the knowledge of Reiki used to be imparted in three distinct stages which were Beginners, Advanced and Reiki Master Levels.

•    New students were taught to do Hands-on or Touch healing (for themselves and others) at the Beginner’s Level.

•    The Advanced Level practitioners were taught how to do Remote or Distance Healing in addition to doing Hands-on treatment.

•    The Reiki Master Level was the final learning stage.

A few Masters are still following this system – only the names have changed to First Degree, Second Degree and Reiki Master Levels.

The System that we Follow

The system that our lineage of Masters is following is one that has evolved over time. The system that we are following is:

•    First Degree – Hands on touch healing level.

•    Second Degree – The channels learn how to do Distance Healing at this level.

•    3-A Master Healing Level enhances the Healing Abilities.

•   3-B or Reiki Master Teacher Level involves learning how to conduct classes including Attunement at the First and Second Degree levels.

•    A Grand Master can attune and train all practitioners of all levels that include the Grand Master level too.

You will notice that in this system, the Reiki Master Level has been split into two stages the 3-A stage which is the Master Healer level and the 3-B or Reiki Master Teacher Level. The Grand Master Level was added over time.

Why This Was Done?
Becoming a Reiki Master requires a deep commitment and plenty of inputs in terms of time, travelling etc. for promoting the knowledge of Reiki.

Many Second Degree Channels could not grow beyond that level because they just could not take on the added responsibility that came with becoming Reiki Masters. Various constraints ranging from current personal/professional commitments to a simple reluctance/ inability to teach became a liability for their aspirations because of the strict guidelines of the Traditional System.

Many were therefore being denied the opportunity to enhance their healing skills just because they were not able to or did not wish to be involved with the teaching part of being a Reiki Master.

This apparent ‘injustice’ was not acceptable to a few Masters who chose to think differently. In order to fulfil the requirements of this increasing number of such Second Degree Channels who wanted to grow further, the Reiki Master Level was split into two and a 3-A Degree (Master Healer Level) was introduced.

The participants were not taught how to take classes but were imparted the ability to do healing facilitation work comparable to that of full Reiki Masters, therefore the name Master Healer.
This also kept the options open for them to become Reiki Master Teachers at a later stage, if their inner calling did change over time.

I personally feel that the addition of this 3-A level made a lot of sense.

A Grand Master Level was also added later on to distinguish between the Masters who were ‘novices’ (if I can use that word) and the ones who had been teaching Reiki for a period of time.

This too makes a lot of sense. The reality is that deep learning and understanding of any subject actually happens once you start teaching it to others. A lot of new questions are generally raised during the interactions with students coming from different backgrounds and with different skills.

A new Master, or is it better to call such an individual as a Master who is under training, should have someone to look up to and someone he can go to when some tricky questions are raised in a class room environment, a process which he was not involved in while working as a Master Healer.

The Grand Masters are the ones who have gone through the grind, so to say and should know the answers to most of the questions that can potentially be raised by the newer students.

Please also know that there are absolutely no examinations or tests conducted in Reiki at the various levels as the focus is totally on learning through individual experiences which come through practice and self-realisation.

The Traditional Usui System of Reiki has therefore, undergone many changes from being the earlier Three Level system to the present Five Level one.

Strictly speaking, no one is really following the original system as was practiced and taught by Dr. Mikao Usui. Much more knowledge is available today because of the increasing understanding about the human body, the diseases and the healing process. As concepts evolve over time, it is only right that we also change the processes that have initially brought the concepts into existence.

Course Content and Requirements at Various Levels

First Degree
This is the basic course conducted in around ten to twelve hours spread over two to there days.

Contrary to popular belief, to have faith in the Reiki system is not a precondition for attending the First-Degree class. Nor is faith required for becoming, a successful healer.

Faith in the Reiki system develops automatically when sufficient time is devoted for practicing what was learnt in the First Degree Class.

Anyone can attend the First Degree workshop which can be conducted anywhere and at any time of the day.

This workshop includes:

The Attunements are the most significant aspects of all Reiki workshops. In the system that we are following, two sets of attunements are conducted, one on each day of the workshop.


The following topics are generally covered in the class or are given as Study material:

•    History of Reiki
•    Five Principles of Reiki
•    Principle of Energy Exchange
•    Body positions for treating self and others
•    The Chakra System
•    Causative factors of Diseases
•    What to expect with regular Reiki treatments i.e. Detoxification?
•    How to treat chronic diseases?
•    Reiki as preventive medicine.

The classroom training includes practical sessions during which the students get a first hand experience of doing self-treatment along with treating others by using the Touch or Hands-on-method.

Second Degree
Having faith was not an absolute requirement for the participants at the First Degree Level, a bit of faith in the Reiki system is desirable at the Second Degree Level.

It is not necessary that the channels have a great deal of confidence in their own abilities as healers. This is because they are partial healers and anyway cannot heal at the levels of the mind/emotions/thoughts etc. These are areas that a First Degree Channel just cannot access and therefore cannot work on.

Second Degree channels are imparted this ability during the workshop. The second degree distance healing level is a completion of sorts and is generally sufficient to take care of the requirements of healing for most individuals. Obviously, having successfully participated in the First Degree workshop is a must.

If the channels have spent some time practising what they were taught at the First Degree level, then a degree of confidence in their own abilities develops. However, at times some channels are just not able to practice Reiki at the First Degree level because of certain constrains that could include lack of time, adverse home environments etc. These channels can also attend the Second Degree workshop provided they have developed a bit of faith in the Reiki system.

This workshop includes:

As has been already discussed, Attunements are the key. There is only one set of Attunement in the Second Degree that is generally done at the beginning of the workshop.

Three symbols are taught in the Second Degree Class.

Introduction to the Cause of Human Problems:
If we look at it very carefully, most of the problems that we face in life can broadly be listed in either one or a combination of the following four major categories.

•    Physical, Emotional, Mental or Spiritual problems (PEMS)
•    Problems arising from disturbed Relationships
•    Financial problems
•    Problems arising from low Self Worth

Proper guidance is provided along with the necessary knowledge to handle these problems during the Second Degree Class.

In addition, the Second Degree channels also learn how to do Reiki:

•    For more than one person simultaneously, thus saving time.
•    For making Protection Shields for their homes, businesses, loved ones etc. in order to protect them from impeding dangers.
•    For an event that is scheduled to take place in the future when they will be so busy that they do not have time for Reiki. Examples are job interviews, examinations, family get-togethers, celebrations, holiday trips etc.
•    Helping people addicted to alcohol, drugs etc. to kick their habits.
•    To help children become stronger physically, emotionally and mentally and to become better at whatever they choose to do.
•    For helping bring positive changes in behaviour for those who so desire.

All these projects require the enhanced abilities of the Second Degree level. The Second Degree workshop is designed in such a way that the channels are empowered and can deal with any of the potential problems in life.

The intuitive abilities of the healers also increase directly as a result of the Second Degree practice and this helps enhance the healing abilities.

This workshop is a kind of completion of class room training for the majority of individuals and they may not feel any necessity to grow beyond the Second Degree stage. An experienced and confident second - degree channel has the knowledge and the techniques to make the rest of the journey of this life much better and smoother unless he has grander plans programmed into his existence.

3-A Degree
A high degree of faith in the system is required for those who opt for this level of Reiki training.

Spiritual growth is accelerated when a person gets attuned and uses the energies     associated with this level.

Additional knowledge of some Advanced Healing Techniques is imparted during the 3-A level training. These techniques help to shorten the time spent on healing facilitation.

Reiki Master
A Reiki Master is a person who has the knowledge and abilities that are needed to successfully conduct the First and Second Degree workshops.

How to attune others to Reiki is the most important part in the Reiki Master Workshops.

Discussions and sharing take most of the time as an exposure of sorts is given to what lies ahead, the potential pitfalls, the questions that are generally encountered, what all to do when the Reiki Master gets stuck etc.

This is an extended learning program taught over a period of about a week. I like to take a bit of time and teach this over a couple of months, and maybe more, with one session every week.

Internet communications have made the process of imparting the necessary knowledge relatively easier. However, some are more comfortable with a face-to-face interaction.

Grand Master
A Reiki Grand Master is taught how to conduct classes for all additional levels, i.e. The 3-A (Master Healer), Reiki Master (Teacher) and also the Grand Master.

This is the stage where learning never ends – it just becomes Life.
* * * *


The First Degree workshop establishes the basic connection with Reiki energy. The channel gets a limited knowledge regarding Touch Healing at this level.

The Second Degree practitioner learns how to do Distance Healings and is also able to do Reiki for almost all the areas that require to be healed in his life. First Degree level is not sufficient for getting all the possible benefits in life. The Second Degree is the bare minimum and in most cases sufficient, requirement for dealing with all the tricky situations in life.

Care should however be taken not to rush to the next 3-A level. A frank discussion with your Reiki Master regarding your own motives and reasons for attending the 3-A level workshop is recommended before stepping into this level. This is invariably accompanied by tremendous spiritual/material growth and enhanced healing abilities.

The Master and Grand Master levels are for those who want to make a profession out of teaching and spreading the knowledge about Reiki.

Commitment, dedication and devotion to Reiki are the important motivating factors for these levels.

Understanding the Reiki system is much more than just attending the classes to get the information that is dished out. It is a journey in itself. Practice and self-experience are the key words for growing as a healing facilitator. I just cannot lay enough emphasis on the importance of practice for growth in this field. The existing belief systems take a battering to be replaced by newer beliefs.

Everyone invariably harbours a desire to transform life. But for most it just exists in the form of an unfulfilled dream. With Reiki practice, this potential can become a reality.

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