Monday 15 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 3: Principles of Reiki

The Five Principles of Reiki and the Principle of Energy Exchange were formulated when Dr. Usui realised that the spirit also needed to be healed along with the physical body for the results of the healing to be permanent. These are:

1.    Just for today, I will live the attitude of gratitude.
To live in gratitude is to live in abundance. If we keep thinking of the things that we do not have, then we continue the experience of living in lack. Conversely, consciously appreciating everything that we have – the good as well as the bad – helps in transforming the negative to the positive.

2.    Just for today, I will not worry.

Worrying thoughts indicate a lack of faith and also interfere with the outcome of our efforts. If we live each day to the best of our ability and in a state of total acceptance of everything, the negative gets transformed to the positive. When we develop the ability to look at the bright side of things even in the darkest hours, we eventually come out winners.

3.    Just for today, I will not be angry.

We become angry whenever we feel helpless and when things are not happening according to our expectations. The best way to handle anger is not to repress it, but rather to be fully aware of it. Once we are aware of our anger, then we can dispassionately look at the situation that made us angry initially. Only then we will be able to deal with it. Those who have developed the ability to handle anger are happier for their efforts.

4.    Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
The emotions of Worry and Anger also prevent us from living in the present moment. We are then not able to do our (present) work honestly which then attracts inappropriate energies. The word ‘work’ here means whatever we are doing in the moment and not only ‘work’ as in ‘working for a living’. Being in the moment and doing what needs to be done brings about a peaceful state of mind not possible otherwise.

5.    Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.
If we want to be loved and respected by others then we have to start living accordingly. This comes directly from one of the Universal Laws that states, ‘What you give out, you get back’. The beginning has to be from loving and respecting our own selves. We should not expect others to love and respect us if we do not love and respect ourselves.

The Principle of Energy Exchange

In addition to the five principles discussed above for living life, there was another important aspect about life that Dr. Mikao Usui understood albeit painfully. He noticed while working with beggars during the early years that some people returned to their begging ways a few months after getting healed of their physical ailments as their beggar instinct had not been healed. They had not understood the true value of what they had received (the healing) because it had been given to them for free.

I too had some bitter experience during the initial stages of my profession as a healing facilitator. I was reluctant to charge for the healing sessions as I did not truly appreciate the value of the time that I was giving to the ones who were coming to me for healing work. I noticed that the results of Reiki treatments were not so great whenever there was an incomplete exchange of energy. The patients too did not truly appreciate the value of what they were getting. Because of the poor results, my faith in the Reiki system took a beating and I had to go through a lot of turmoil and struggle before it came back.

I was convinced about the system, yet the results were just not coming in a few situations that I desperately wanted healed. At the same time, there were some miracles happening that just could not be logically explained. Finally, I got it and started charging for my time that I was spending.

Having said that, I feel that the real value of joy and inner peace can never ever be calculated in terms of rupees! For example, how do you calculate the cost of a spontaneous smile on a child’s face whose pain is relieved because of the Reiki treatment received? Similarly what is the cost of a good night’s sleep for someone who is unable to sleep? This happened to a lot of people whom we could help in the aftermath of the earthquake that we had in Gujarat. Then again, the cost of a good night’s rest for different individuals is different.

The Principle of Energy Exchange is also important for those who believe that we should not collect any Karmic Debts in this life.

Some Exceptions:

However, there are a few exceptions to the rule when healing work can be done free of cost.

Reiki Healings can be provided free of cost within a family or between friends because there is regular exchange of energy taking place otherwise also.

Sometimes it is not practical to ask for Money in exchange for healings. At the time a Reiki Channel can request the healee to make an offering at his favorite temple or take care of someone needy as a way of appreciating the value of Reiki healing that was received.

Initially, all new channels can do Reiki healing for free as they get the benefit of experience in exchange. However, do not go too far. Define the terms and condition clearly in advance. Stop if you feel that you are encouraging the 'Beggar Instinct' in any way.

I personally feel that this is just a guideline and each individual is free to follow the Principle of Energy Exchange according to his own consciousness.

I know from experience that results of healings are not so great when the healer has the feeling of superiority at some level within his being or if there is a feeling of obligation being created.

Think of it as a service being provided to fulfill certain requirement that only you can provide in the moment. It is a service similar to that being provided by a Plumber, an Electrician or for that matter a Doctor.

These people have been trained to do their jobs and go about doing them without feeling that they are better in any way. It is just a job that they can do, that’s all!

And this is what you will be getting into, should you ever choose to become a professional healer.

And so it is.

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