Tuesday 30 April 2013

How to Do Reiki for an Unwilling Family Member?

“How to do Reiki for a close family member who is totally against Reiki?” was the question posed at the end of a recent first degree workshop by a new channel.

A direct answer will be, “Don’t even try it if the recipient is not ready”.
But this situation needs to be examined very, very closely and not just be brushed off as being something impossible.
There is a way around it but one that would require a very high level of trust at the very outset. Deep commitment to take a stand for the family’s health is another core ingredient. The energy of Hope is another useful energy to have in such situations.

Please understand the complex energy dynamics in a family where each and every member is already serving everyone else. This happens by default. Family members might not be on speaking terms with each other but even then they are serving one another.
Whether you are able to do Reiki or not, you are already energetically serving everyone else in the family and they in turn are doing the same.
The family member who is unwell and maybe has a chronic ailment or two is also in service. He/she is setting an example albeit of a negative kind.
The hidden energetic message that he/she is spreading is, “Watch out. This state of health is waiting for you too if you do not do anything about it”.
In the present case of this new channel, the message has already been received, maybe directly and maybe energetically.
She has already embraced the path to wellness through Reiki.
I am also assuming that she has understood that Good Health cannot be Gifted, least of all by medical practitioners or other healers/healing facilitators and is doing self-healing every day or rather at every available opportunity.
Now the family member who is not well will sense this shift energetically at some level. Understand that we all are connected with these invisible strings of energy.
This energy feedback can end in one way only – he /she will also start doing something for his/her health provided the energies of WORRY have also been taken care of.
So my advice is:
A)    Be steadfast in your commitment for the health of everyone in the family.
B)    Do not give up hope and continue doing your self-healing with this commitment and work towards transforming your own life.
C)    Over a period of time, your light will shine brighter and everyone in the family will eventually be touched by it.
D)     The energy dynamics within the whole family will change. To the extent that everyone will automatically start thinking of Wellness and start doing something to ensure that they also become healthier.
Real Life Situation:

This reminds me of a Case History of a person who came to learn Reiki many years ago. His wife was totally against Reiki to the extent that there was a big scene when she came to know that he had attended the first degree workshop. He did not want to aggravate the situation further by openly doing self treatments and the only personal time that he had was at night after the family had gone to bed. He utilized this time for self-healing sessions. 

He had the first hand experience that with regular Reiki treatments, the number of hours that he needed to sleep got reduced significantly. He also noticed that his energy levels were also much higher during the day. The back pain that had motivated him to attend the first degree workshop also got reduced. All these experiences were reasons enough for him to attend the Second Degree workshop. He then started using his Distance Healing abilities to support his wife for her spiritual development. It so happened that his wife also became a Reiki channel a few months later.
To the uninitiated, this may sound too good to be true. As I mentioned earlier, in a family situation we all are serving each other. Once one member brings in Reiki energy (or for that matter any other energy) to the table, is committed and willing to take a stand for the family, the energy dynamics in the family eventually transform.
They have to.

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