Wednesday 17 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 12:Self-Love…Or the lack of it

Contributed by Dolly (Gurjeet) Makker
There are a number of books available in the market today that give a lot of information regarding Reiki and how people are using it in their daily lives to deal with their physical, mental and emotional problems. But these books do not discuss the basic problem - why some people are not motivated enough to practice Reiki even after becoming channels and getting first hand experience of this powerful energy.

The following article was contributed by my wife in the very first edition of this handbook that was written in 1997 with that in mind and may serve to motivate at least a few of these people.

I wish to add that in her case most of the predictions that she had made (at the end of the article) have come true. She has added a bit of weight but at the right places. Otherwise she looks the same as she did fifteen years ago. She has got a few grey strands but these are also good - she is aging gracefully and in a dignified kind of way.

We get a taste of this very powerful therapy and learn how we can benefit from it within a couple of weeks of regular practice after becoming Reiki Channels. I think that we (all Reiki Channels) are very lucky to be the ones who are able to bring this Energy into our own lives. We are now our own Doctors as we can use this Energy to heal ourselves, our family members, relatives, friends and even unknown strangers whom we have never met before and may never meet again. For Reiki to work, factors like sex, age, caste, creed or even the academic qualifications all have no meaning. Whether a person is illiterate or highly qualified, whether a person is 18 or 80 makes no difference at all. We are all Reiki Channels and can use this Divine Energy in a positive way for making our lives better.

After having practised Reiki for about a year now, we in our family have benefited a lot from Reiki in all areas of our lives. To me it is like my second mother as I have all the respect and regards for it.

But what disturbs me the most is that a lot of people who become Reiki Channels stop practising after a short time. I have been seriously thinking over it and trying to understand the psychology behind such behaviour.

No one can deny the fact that generally a 45 minute session (after Second Degree) of self-treatment makes the body and mind completely peaceful, relieves all the tensions and stresses and is very energising. Above all, regular practice removes any imbalances and disharmony in our internal organs making them 100 % efficient and fit.

Why then are people not motivated enough to practice Reiki on themselves on a regular basis even with the above knowledge of what lies in store for them in the very near future?

One of the biggest excuses that people come up with is ”lack of time”. But we do not realise how much time of our day is spent in reading the newspapers, watching T.V. or just plain lazing around. Have we ever realised how much time is spent with our cup of bed tea in the morning? Do we not have time for our other daily routines like brushing our teeth, taking a bath etc.? If we consider the self-treatment of Reiki as one of our daily routines, then it would no longer be a burden on us. And moreover, with regular practice, the amount of sleep required gets reduced by an hour or two. We no longer need that afternoon nap and have lots of energy for the evenings as well.

Excuses aside, the single most important reason for people not to practice Reiki regularly is a lack of self-love. We are all capable of showering our kids, brothers, sisters, parents and such near and dear ones with lots of love and are willing to take all their responsibilities. But when it comes to our own selves, the general attitude is - “Mera kya hai? Whatever I am doing is for the family!” 

But once we learn to be responsible for our own health and well being, our children learn the same from us thus making happier families where everyone is healthy both in body and mind.

Then there are those people who give up the practice because they get results that are different than what they desired. For example, someone who starts Reiki practice in order to lose weight may do so initially. However, the weight may start increasing creating the belief that ‘Reiki does not work’. Others may feel some discomfort because of the overall cleansing process and give up practising. Little do these people realise that all these results are negative only on a superficial level, and are actually good for them. Reiki is working fully and efficiently. The increase in weight after the initial loss is a good sign of the internal organs of our bodies getting healthier and stronger. The other discomforts indicate that the roots of various diseases are getting eliminated from our systems. 

After all, gold has to be melted down before it can be shaped into all those beautiful ornaments. And how does steel gets its strength and all the other qualities?

One thing we might all be curious to know is what would happen if we keep on practising Reiki as a matter of routine. What comes to my mind is that this powerful energy would not let you grow old, your faces will not develop the wrinkles, your hair might not become grey and your bodies will not degenerate with time. Even when you are 60, you will have all the energy and the vitality of someone who is 25 or 30. You will also look as young as that. 

Now Is This Not Motivation Enough For All Of Us To Make Reiki A Part Of Our Lives!

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