Tuesday 16 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 8: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can Reiki help cure all diseases? 
  2. Does Reiki work for everyone?
  3. Is it necessary to have faith in Reiki in order to benefit from it?
  4. Is the Reiki channel’s own energy lost while treating others? Can he become weak in the process of treating others?
  5. Do we need to concentrate for successful Reiki practice? 
  6. It is possible to harm ourselves by excess of Reiki practice?
  7. Can a Reiki Channel teach others after attending the basic courses? 
  8. Can the channel cease to function if a Reiki Channel is unable to practice Reiki on a regular basis?
  9. How long do we need to practice Reiki after learning it?
  10. How long does it generally take (in terms of days, weeks or months) for a patient to be rid of his chronic disease with Reiki treatments? 
  11. Can more than one Reiki Channel do Reiki for the same person simultaneously? 
  12. Are there any specific requirements regarding time, place of practice etc. for successful Reiki practice? 
  13. What do we need to do if at all we encounter negative thoughts, doubts, fears and such while doing Reiki?
  14. Why do some people stop doing Reiki regularly in spite of it being so simple and easy?
  15. Is it possible for a Reiki healing facilitator to get the problems, diseases etc. of the person being healed during the healing process?
  16. Is the same kind of training being imparted in different workshops conducted by different Reiki Masters? 
  17. A few Masters Conduct Reiki workshops in only one day, so why should I attend seminars that are held over an extended period of time? 
  18. Does Reiki help increase the memory power and self-confidence?
  19. Where else can Reiki be used beside healing human beings?
  20. Why is it important to pay for learning Reiki and for getting Reiki treatments?
  21. Can woman learn and practice Reiki during periods and pregnancies?
  22. Should we stop taking the medicines for old chronic diseases while taking Reiki treatments?
  23. When should Reiki treatment not be given?
  24. Is it possible to get rid of addictions with the help of Reiki? 
  25. Can Reiki treatments bring about positive changes in behaviour?
  26. Can the results of Reiki healing guaranteed?

1.    Can Reiki help cure all diseases?
All diseases invariably result in weakening of the body’s systems, lowering energy levels, efficiency etc. This happens primarily due to the deficiency of the vital force (Prana Shakti) in the body.

Reiki practice directly enhances the flow and circulation of this vital force. This in turn helps the various organs and systems to work better.

Over a period of time, the inherent ability of the human body to heal itself is triggered thus setting the individual concerned on a path of becoming better.

But for that to happen, the belief systems also need to transform. Please keep in mind that Reiki is just a technique but can not perform miracles on its own. The mind and soul also need to come in harmony for the physical body to be healed. It is a process that might involve plenty of changes at the consciousness level of the individual concerned.

This is a rather tough ask. Having said that, Reiki treatments do help alleviate the sufferings generally associated with chronic problems like Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Backache, Asthma etc. But then, this is what medical science is focused on. While treating the symptoms is the end game in the field of conventional medicine, the natural healing process does go beyond that. One has to be ready to walk the path, no matter what.

2.    Does Reiki work for everyone?
Reiki works to the degree that the recipient of the treatments is willing to receive the healing. If a person, for some reasons, is not willing to receive a treatment, healing does not take place. The reasons for someone ‘not being willing’ are too numerous to be discussed here. Books can be written about them, maybe one for every person.

3.    Is it necessary to have faith in Reiki in order to benefit from it?
To start with, it is not a pre-condition to have faith for learning Reiki or to be treated with Reiki. All that is required is a wiliness to give Reiki a fair try.

Many believe that a strong faith is the Starting Point for healing through Reiki – this is simply not true. How can we have faith in any new system without first witnessing some results? Faith does not come first but will develop only after we have personally experienced some positive benefits from Reiki practice.

If having faith was a precondition, then where do those without faith start?

I do not know about others, but I had absolutely no faith in Reiki when I enrolled for the First Degree class. I did however, have a high level of trust in the friend who recommended Reiki to me for my problems in life. I knew that he had my best interest at heart when I discussed my problems with him. My faith grew after I put into practice what I was taught. I did encounter many hurdles on the way. At times my faith came close to being completely shattered, but something or the other restored it every time this happened. My faith grew bit-by-bit and day-by-day.

What I understand after all these years of practice is that Reiki does not require any faith initially.  The results attained after regular Reiki treatments eventually create a very strong faith in the practice of Reiki.

And as one uses more and more of Reiki, something akin to Blind Faith does develop. This is because over time we invariably learn more and more about the working of the human body, the diseases, cleansing etc. and the role of Reiki in all of these.

Ultimately, a strong faith is required for healing the deep – rooted chronic ailments.

To directly answer this question, faith is not required to start the healing process but is required ultimately before complete cure can take place.

4.    Is the Reiki channel’s own energy lost while treating others? Can he become weak in the process of treating others?
This is another very common misconception because of insufficient knowledge regarding the Reiki system.

A Reiki channel (i.e. the person doing Reiki) never heals anyone. I will repeat that – A Reiki channel never ever heals anyone.

It is the Universal Life Force that helps the healing process. It is not the healing facilitator’s own energy that is used for healing. This Universal Life Force flows through the Divine Channel of energy (situated between the Crown Chakra and the Heart Chakra) and then through the hands of the healing facilitator. This channel is present in all humans but is lying dormant. It gets activated during the Attunements conducted during the Workshops.

As a matter of fact, both the healing facilitator as well as the person being healed benefit from any healing situation. A Reiki Channel’s own energy is never ever depleted.

The misconception regarding the Channels becoming weaker probably has its roots in a general lack of understanding of the cleansing or detoxification process. As discussed earlier in the chapter on Detoxification, healing happens only after the cleansing of the inner systems. This in turn happens when the person actually practices Reiki.

Now if the new channels start treating a lot of patients, they too benefit from the healing sessions. This results in increased detoxification for the healing facilitators. So what is being witnessed as ‘weakness’ is actually the healing facilitator going through the detoxification process.

5.    Do we need to concentrate for successful Reiki practice?
Many channels complain that they are unable to practice because they are not able to concentrate. This is another misconception.

The beauty of the Reiki system is that you do not need any ability to pay undivided attention for being successful. It is just another form of energy that works. Do we need to focus to get the benefits of sunlight? We get the benefit irrespective of whatever we may be doing while sitting in the sun. How about the artificial man made energies generated by devices like air conditioners etc? We just need to switch on the appliance and sit nearby. Do we need to pay attention or concentrate on getting “cooled”?

Similarly, all that is needed in the Reiki practice is switching on the flow of Reiki energy as taught in the workshop and then allowing it to do its work. Absolutely no kind of concentration is required for getting better results. On the contrary, results do not manifest whenever the healing facilitators try to concentrate in order to do ‘better’ Reiki.

There is absolutely no need to concentrate. So why even try it?

Regular Reiki practice does help in improving the focus of those who do need it as and when they need to concentrate. For example, students while preparing for exams or during the process of writing their exams, or sports persons who need to concentrate while competing and need to perform at peak efficiency.

6.    It is possible to harm ourselves by excess of Reiki practice?
Reiki can be practiced for as long as the Reiki channel gladly and willingly wishes to. There is absolutely no possibility of any kind of damaging side effects because of any ‘excess’ of Reiki practice.

7.    Can a Reiki Channel teach others after attending the basic courses?
The ability to channel is activated only after the Attunements conducted during the Reiki workshops by the Reiki Masters.

This is not taught during the First, Second and the 3-A Degrees but only at the Reiki Master Teacher Level which is the fourth stage of learning in the system that our lineage of masters is following. Reiki cannot be learnt from anyone who is not a trained Master.

Learning Reiki is an experiential process and cannot be learnt from Books, Videocassettes etc. These only help in gaining knowledge and cannot be a substitute for the classroom.

Can anyone become a Doctor or an Engineer by just getting the knowledge from the textbooks of Medical and Engineering Colleges?

8.    Can the channel cease to function if a Reiki Channel is unable to practice Reiki on a regular basis?
The Divine Channel of Reiki Energy, once activated, never ceases to function. The Attunements conducted during the Seminar are for life. A person, once attuned, can start getting the benefits of Reiki whenever he wants in his life.

The healing skills improve with practice, but are never forgotten.

9.    How long do we need to practice Reiki after learning it?
Our bodies are continuously under attack due to the increasing levels of pollution, uncontrolled and irregular eating habits and the stresses of everyday life. It is becoming more and more difficult to lead a disease-free, healthy, stable and happy life. The only way out is regular practice of physical exercise, Yoga, Pranayama, meditation, Reiki etc. Of these, Reiki practice is perhaps the easiest and by far the most practical way for the extremely busy human beings today. There are numerous other benefits as well. The aim should be to make Reiki practice an essential part of life just as other activities like bathing, eating, sleeping etc.

“How long do we need to practice?” is therefore a tough question to answer and depends on the problems in the individual’s life. As a general rule of  thumb, if we make Feeling Good a yardstick, then I would say that you need to do Reiki for as long as it takes to start feeling good. It could take a few hours on some days (when you are feeling low and depressed) and just a few minutes on other days when things are not that bad. It is like appetite – sometimes we are ravenous and need lot of food to sustain us, at other times we can get by with just a few bites or even nothing at all.

For your own specific requirements, I suggest that you have personal sessions with your Reiki Master to find out how long you need to practice.

10.    How long does it generally take (in terms of days, weeks or months) for a patient to be rid of his chronic disease with Reiki treatments?
Experience shows that it takes less time to cure diseases that have recently appeared. However, chronic diseases that have existed for a long time do require a longer period of treatment. At least two to three sessions of Reiki treatment every day are recommended for faster results in these cases.

As a rule of thumb, at least one month of treatment is required for every year that the chronic disease has existed in the physical body.

However, this is not as simple as it sounds. There could be other factors that may need to be healed, before the actual disease can be cured. These could include the relationships or the financial situation or self worth issues or a combination of these. These (invisible) factors can have a direct influence in eventually curing various diseases.

For example, a patient who has damaged his liver with alcohol abuse may have hit the bottle out of sheer depression arising from a bad relationship or financial problems or low self esteem or a combination of all these factors. Such a patient would require healing at all these levels to be completely cured of his drinking habit. Compare that do another patient with a similar problem but who enjoys excellent relationship, has sound financial health and a higher level of self-worth. Obviously, the energy requirements, and therefore the required healing time, for the second patient would be less compared to the first patient.

Healing has to take place in a number of areas that are often not even the focus of other line of treatment.

A Second-Degree channel is taught the techniques to be able to effectively deal with these significant areas of life as part of the Distance Reiki treatments.

11.    Can more than one Reiki Channel do Reiki for the same person simultaneously?
Group treatments are known to give excellent results in healing as several levels of the patient’s body and life get treated at the same time. The individual capabilities of each member of the group help bring these powerful results. If the patient is also a Reiki Channel, then he too can do self-treatment while receiving healing from others.

12.    Are there any specific requirements regarding time, place of practice etc. for successful Reiki practice?
Reiki can be done at any time under any condition, i.e. while sitting, standing or lying down.

Having said that, if Reiki is done while lying down in a quiet and peaceful surrounding, the results are enhanced as we get the positive benefits associated with Meditation, Prayers and Sadhana. I recommend that Reiki be done in a quiet and peaceful place accompanied by some nice soft music. This helps relax the mind, leaving Reiki free to do what needs to be done.

13.    What do we need to do if at all we encounter negative thoughts, doubts, fears and such while doing Reiki?
The reality is that this to happen is highly likely when Reiki healing is initiated.

Please understand that the disease is a direct result of these very issues. They do come to the surface, only to be released.

A word of caution for the healing facilitators who want to grow in this field – this precisely is the moment when people generally give up on Reiki. This is the time when the faith in the system will help carry you through.

Know that these are all positive signs of cleansing taking place at the mental and emotional levels. All that is required when experiencing these negative emotions is consistent (and increased) practice of Reiki to flush them out from the system.

14.    Why do some people stop doing Reiki regularly in spite of it being so simple and easy?
Human Minds are conditioned to believe that all good things can be attained only after endless hours of dedicated efforts.

This psychological conditioning spills over to the field of Reiki too and the mind just refuses to believe that it is possible and so simple.

Some channels just choose to ignore all the positive results that they have attained. Instead the negative thoughts because of other persons in their lives who themselves are not Reiki Channels, influence them.

There may be some who lack motivation or are habitually lazy. A constant reminder that we have missed out on many good opportunities in our lives because of sheer laziness does help.

We all need to keep on looking at the problems that human beings are generally living with, without being able to do anything about them. Remember that the pressures of living in this world are going to become worse with time. Reiki is a safe and easy way – in fact it is tailor-made for us who are forced to live in the modern times in cities where the pollution levels are rising.
This is because no other system is so easy and so flexible at the same time. A bit of introspection by the channels at an individual level for their own reasons for not doing Reiki helps.

15.    Is it possible for a Reiki healing facilitator to get the problems, diseases etc. of the person being healed during the healing process?
It is one of the Laws of Nature that the healing energy, like all other energies of the Universe, flows from a Higher to a Lower level.

All problems, diseases etc. do require some form of energy to transport them from one person to another. A Reiki Channel functions at a higher level of vibrations while the problem has lower and denser vibrations.

For a channel to get a disease from his patient it would require a reverse, upward flow of dense, diseased energy from the patient to the healing facilitator and this would require breaking the above stated Law of Nature, which is not possible.

There is absolutely no possibility of the healing facilitator catching any problems of the person being healed.

Consider the situation where clean water is flowing from a tap into a bucket full of dirty water. After some time the dirty water will become relatively cleaner as more and more clean water flows in. The ‘clean tap water’ and the ‘tap’ itself never ever get dirty.

Having said that, in certain situation, if the seeds of the problems exist at some level in the healing facilitator too then he also gets healed while treating the patient.

At times, the associated symptoms of the disease are known to surface in a mild form in the healing facilitator too, creating the misplaced impression that the healing facilitator has taken on the problems of the patient.

Regular treatments of the patient will heal the healing facilitator as well. This is a very significant, and largely misunderstood, aspect about Reiki Healings.

16.    Is the same kind of training being imparted in different workshops conducted by different Reiki Masters?
The Attunement technique followed by different Reiki Masters varies slightly depending on the lineage of the individual Masters.

However, abilities like depth of knowledge, confidence, enthusiasm, clarity of mind and experiences etc. do vary from Master to Master. This leads to a variation in the training imparted by different Masters.

As in other fields of learning the ease with which the students understand a particular subject depends largely on the abilities and experiences of the teacher. A good Science teacher, for example, may be able to consistently motivate his students to excel in Science.

17.    A few Masters Conduct Reiki workshops in only one day, so why should I attend seminars that are held over an extended period of time?
Almost everyone participating in the Reiki workshops initially carries some doubts regarding his or her own ability to become a successful channel of this energy.

It is very difficult to overcome these basic doubts and also gain sufficient confidence (required to heal) during the limited time that a One-Day workshop offers. I have observed that the time spent doing Reiki with friends and family at home after the first day of the Two or Three Day workshop greatly helps in increasing the     confidence level of the channels.

As such, a period of two days is also not sufficient to learn everything about something as unique as Reiki. Every Master’s intention is to help create a solid platform over which the Channel then builds for himself.

I used to teach First Degree over a period of two days and have now switched over to teaching the same in three sessions whenever possible. This allows the new channels to do some extended practice at home which then helps to overcome their basic doubts regarding their own new found ability of healing.

A few questions are also generated which are addressed during the third session. The confidence level and the fast growth of the students who learned the subject in three sessions was the inspiration for me to make the switch.

18.    Does Reiki help increase the memory power and self-confidence?
Regular Reiki treatments not only help to increase the memory power and self-confidence, but the channels also become more positive in the general outlook towards life.

Reiki is a very, very powerful tool for self-improvement and transformation. We can use it to help us in practically all situation of life.

19.    Where else can Reiki be used beside healing human beings?
Reiki can be used very easily in increasing the life force and vitality of birds, animals,     plants, medicine, food, machinery, water, milk etc.

Reiki works wonders with infants and small children

In short, Reiki has the ability to work in all those areas where energy circulation is taking place – which practically means everything and everywhere in the Universe.

20.    Why is it important to pay for learning Reiki and for getting Reiki treatments?
We do not always appreciate the true value of things that we receive free of cost. Going by my experience, I have observed that Reiki treatment do not get the desired results when given freely as the commitment to be healed is lacking on the part of the patients. I have also noticed that there is a better acceptance of the healing energy which in turn produces better and faster once the patient commits to be healed by paying for the healing sessions and that too in advance.

Also keep in mind that just as other professionals like Doctors, Engineers, and Accountants etc. we Reiki Teachers and Healing facilitators should be adequately compensated for the hours of efforts put in. We have personal lives to live, families to take care of, kids who go to school and bills to pay. All these cost money.
21.    Can woman learn and practice Reiki during periods and pregnancies?
Pregnancies, periods and menopause do not in any way interfere in learning Reiki, getting treated by it and for treating others. On the contrary, the stresses and disturbances generally associated at these times are greatly reduced with treatments.

22.    Should we stop taking the medicines for old chronic diseases while taking Reiki treatments?
Reiki therapy complements all other form of healing therapies. It is observed that all medicines start giving faster and better results when supported with Reiki treatment.

We do not ever tell my patient to give up or reduce the dose of the medicines that he has been regularly taking. All medicines should be reduced or stopped only when you told by the patient’s medical practitioner.

23.    When should Reiki treatment not be given?
Reiki treatment are not recommended –
  • When a person does not want to be treated with Reiki.
  • When the Reiki Healing facilitators do not want to do Reiki but feel compelled to do so.
  • When a person falls sick frequently in an attempt to gain attention from his well-wishers.
  • During surgeries in the form of Distance Healing by new Second Degree Channels as Reiki reduces the effects of the anesthesia. Senior experienced channels can do Reiki in these situations.
  • Additionally, Reiki treatment should not be done by touch for mentally unstable persons who tend to become violent and for patients who are suffering from infectious diseases. Second Degree can do distance healing for these patients.

24.    Is it possible to get rid of addictions with the help of Reiki?
Reiki treatment are very effective whenever an addict willingly wants to get rid of his addictions but is unable to act because of a fear of the side effects that generally occur with other de-addiction programmes.

Treatment time may be longer in case are other issues at stake like relationship matters, financial issues and self-worth issues. It is recommended in such situation that family members be involved in the healing process by becoming healing facilitators themselves.

(Please also refer to the Answer to Question no.10 for additionally information)

25.    Can Reiki treatments bring about positive changes in behaviour?
One of the greatest aspects of Reiki is that it brings about positive changes in the personalities of the people using it.

Reiki is a very, very powerful tool of gentle transformation. Regular Reiki treatments help to not only remove the daily stresses, but also help in creating positive and stable personalities. We become better and more loving individuals gradually with consistent Reiki practice. These benefits can be passed on to others too, with the active consent of the person, by a distance healing facilitator.

26.    Can the results of Reiki healing guaranteed?
Please note that Reiki helps in the highest form of healing possible in any given situation.

At times, the results of the healing may not match our own desired outcomes. This is where the spiritual aspect of Reiki treatments becomes most obvious. For example, when it is time for a person to make the transition from this life, being able to feel at peace with death is the highest form of healing possible. We, as humans, may personally prefer a complete cure. 

Reiki sets its own priorities and therefore, it cannot be used to guarantee outcomes according to our limited personal agendas. Like all the new and unusual things in life this too has to be experienced personally in order to be believed and understand in the proper context.

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