Monday, 15 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 5: The 24 Hand Positions and Standard Operating Procedure for Healing

Reiki treatments on the following 24 positions constitute a full body healing session. Reiki is generally done for a minimum time of three minutes on each of these points. The seven chakras are automatically covered within these positions.

1.    Eyes.
2.    Temples.
3.    Ears.
4.    Forehead & back of the head.
5.    Both hands behind the head.
6.    Front and Back Throat Chakra.
7.    Thyroid and Thymus Glands.
8.    Heart Chakra.
9.    Solar Plexus Chakra.
10.    Liver.
11.    Upper Tips of the Lungs.
12.    Pancreas & Spleen.
13.    Hara Chakra.
14.    Root Chakra.
15.    Knees.
16.    Ankles,
17.    Soles of the feet.
18.    Shoulders.
19.    Behind Thyroid and Thymus glands.
20.    Back Heart Chakra.
21.    Back Solar Plexus Chakra.
22.    Kidneys.
23.    Back Hara Chakra.
24.    Root Chakra – Tail bone.

Reiki is not done on the Crown Chakra as that is the point of entry.

Sufficient practical hands-on training is provided during the First Degree workshop and all participants become familiar with the exact location of these points and that of the Chakras.

Hands Positions for Some Common Ailments (that are of a temporary nature)

As already shared briefly in the previous chapter, all routine real life situations might not require full body treatments.

The following section has information regarding the hand positions for some routine everyday physical problems. It is recommended that Reiki be done for 10-15 minutes at each position.

Use the following list as a guideline to start with. In case the desired results manifest, great. In case they do not, follow the instructions that are given in the next Section of this chapter.

1.    Acidity: Third Eye - Solar Plexus
2.    Allergic reaction: Solar Plexus - Root
3.    Arthritic pain: Third Eye - Root, Local
4.    Back Pain: First & Last Vertebra, Local
5.    High Blood Pressure (not of chronic nature): Heart - Back Hara, Feet Soles
6.    Cough, Cold: Third Eye - Hara, Throat, Lungs
7.    Cuts, Burns etc.: Local, Third Eye - Solar Plexus
8.    Diarrhoea / Constipation: Third Eye - Solar Plexus
9.    Ear Problems: Ears, Third Eye - Hara
10.    Effects of Heat/Cold: Solar Plexus - Hara, Front & Back of Head
11.    Eye Problems: Eyes, Hara, Soles of Feet
12.    Fasting/Overeating: Solar Plexus - Hara, Third Eye - Heart
13.    Fractures: TREAT after the plaster cast has been put. Local, Root
14.    Hangover: Do Reiki one hand’s breadth above the ankles, Whole of Big Toes
15.    Headaches: Third Eye - Heart, Solar Plexus - Root
16.    Laziness: Third Eye - Root, Thymus - Solar Plexus
17.    Mouth Problems (Blisters, Tongue, Teeth): Cheeks, Solar Plexus - Liver
18.    Sciatica pain: Hara - Root, Back Root, Local
19.    Sinus: Local - Hara
20.    Skin Problems: Third Eye - Solar Plexus
21.    Stomach ache: Third Eye - Solar Plexus, Third Eye - Hara
22.    Swellings: Third Eye - Hara, Local
23.    Tension, Depression etc.: Third Eye - Heart Chakra
24.    Vomiting: Third Eye - Solar Plexus, Hara - Root
25.    Weakness (General ): Third Eye - Heart, Thymus - Solar Plexus

This list is just a guideline. As a matter of fact, no list of any kind can ever be complete because each healing situation is unique. Hopefully, the following real life situation will help explain this.
A First Degree Channel was going in an auto-rickshaw that went over an unmarked speed breaker at a high speed. The top of her head hit against the horizontal iron rod just above her head causing her a great deal of discomfort and pain.

She experienced temporary relief of short duration while doing Reiki for almost two hours at the top of her head (the area that was hurting) and her Root Chakra. In her mind she was associating her problem as one involving the Bones of her body and was guided by the positions mentioned in no. 13 in the above list.

Unable to bear the pain any longer, she called me for guidance. Distance Scanning technique (which is taught during the Second Degree workshop) indicated that she needed additional healing at her Throat and Heart Chakras too. This information was then conveyed to her with the instructions to do self healing for about ten minutes at these two chakras. The back-up plan was that I would support her with distance healing if the pain was not taken care of. She did not call me back as the pain was taken care of completely within a few minutes of her doing Reiki on the Throat and Heart Chakras.

This additional healing was required as the sudden impact had left her emotionally upset and momentarily speechless – something that she could not relate to in her disturbed state of mind. With her limited experience and knowledge, the association of the pain was just with the Bones of her body.

She did not realise that the impact had created a temporary blockage in the flow of Life Force in her Heart and Throat Chakras too. A little bit of healing at these points restored the flow and her pain vanished thereafter.

Successful practitioners are guided by their intuitive abilities which do develop over time with persistent practice. The following guideline is useful till such time that the intuitive faculties have not developed fully:

Standard Operative Procedure for Routine Physical Problems

  • First try doing Reiki on the positions as mentioned in the list above for about 15-20 minutes at each position.
  • If this does not provide full relief, then treat the chakras also for about ten minutes each.
  • If that also does not work, then do a Full Body Treatment.
  • If this too fails to get the desired results, then know that it is time to expand your knowledge regarding the Reiki system as well as the ROOT CAUSE of the problems.

Standard Operative Procedure for Chronic Problems

There is none.

Why? Because Chronic Ailments are Psycho-Somatic i.e. involving both the Physical Body as well as the Mind. There can be be emotional and other aspects too that need to be healed for the problem to be completely cured.

An additional complication is that all individuals are unique. Therefore the problems that appear identical in two individuals are really not so. For example, the line of treatment for one person’s Heart Issues will not be the same as for another. Please understand that their lives are unique and totally different. Even two persons living under the same roof having identical ailments can have altogether different lines of treatment.

The individual causes have to be discovered for the problem to be taken care of totally.

But this should not put anyone prospective healing facilitator off as relief from suffering to the extent that the patient is ready can still be provided by any channel; it is the cure at the root cause that is rather difficult.

Keep in mind though that the conventional medical treatment is totally focused on relief ONLY and not cure. Relief in the Reiki way is easy, just requires consistent practice. But then the medicines and other precautions also need to be taken regularly.

Think about it.

So do not be disappointed in case you do not get the desired results while working with people having chronic ailments, It will not be because there is something wrong with 'your' Reiki. You just need to understand the cause of diseases a bit more and grow as a healing facilitator.

Expanding the knowledge base is what is required. After all it takes around ten years of intense working before a person graduates from Medical College and a bit longer before they can become specialists. No one goes to a plain M.B.B.S. doctor anymore.

Fortunately, the Reiki path does not require that long for someone to become his own healer. A year, maybe two of focused coaching is all it takes. Attending the First Degree Reiki workshop is the beginning of a journey that has the potential to become a very rewarding one.

I will take up the Levels of Reiki learning in the next Chapter.

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