Wednesday 8 January 2014

Reiki II - Ch 9. Interesting Life Projects

The following are some interesting projects for which Distance Reiki can be used:
  • How to Do Distant Reiki For Another Person for General Problems?
  • How to Do Distant Reiki for An Event?
  • How to Energetically Cleanse a Room?
  • How to make Energy Protection Shields? (Suraksha Kawachha)

How to Do Distant Reiki For Another Person for General Problems?

STEP 1.     State the Attitude of Gratitude.
STEP 2.     VISUALISE the person for whom Reiki is to be done. A photograph can help in visualizing but is not essential.
Reiki healing can be done for unknown persons also without knowing their physical features, names etc. Simply request Reiki to heal the person for whom healing is required by giving the reference of the person who made the initial request.
STEP 3.     Draw the THREE SYMBOLS one by one and chant each symbol’s name thrice after drawing that particular symbol.
STEP 4.     Make the appropriate INTENTIONS while visualizing the person surrounded with WHITE LIGHT, if possible.
STEP 5.    Draw SECOND & THIRD SYMBOLS and Do Reiki for as long as required.
Make the necessary changes in the above procedure, wherever required, for doing Reiki for machinery, home, office, vehicle etc.

How to Do Distant Reiki for An Event?

This process may be used for something actually taking place in the present or is scheduled for the future  (Programming Reiki).
Examples: Exams, Job Interviews, Journeys, Business Meetings, Sales Calls, Weddings, etc. that are scheduled in the future when you may not have the time to Do Reiki.
STEP 1.    State the Attitude of Gratitude
STEP 2.    VISUALISE the event.
STEP 3.    Draw the THREE SYMBOLS and chant their names thrice each.
STEP 4.    Make the appropriate INTENTIONS.
STEP 5.    Use SECOND & THIRD SYMBOLS and allow Reiki flow for as         long as required or till intuition guides you to stop the healing.

How to Energetically Cleanse a Room?

A Distant Healer can Do Reiki to cleanse any room where people generally feel uncomfortable, depressed or become aggressive. The atmosphere can be made congenial, lively and full of joyous energy. The following is the process:
State the Attitude of Gratitude, draw the three symbols and chant the individual names thrice each after drawing that symbol.
Intend – “Reiki is restoring Divine Balance in the energies of this room.”
Draw the second and third symbols and chant their names thrice each.
Do Reiki for 10-15 minutes (or for as long as required) before closing the process.

How to make Energy Protection Shields? (Suraksha Kawachha)

A Distant Healer can also Do Reiki to make Energy Protection Shields for living beings as well as non-living objects such as homes, shops, vehicles etc.
The Protection Shields thus created are known to start working immediately. Excellent results have been reported in emergencies. The following is the process:

Temporary Shield for Short Lived Effect:

•    Step 1 as above. (Attitude of Gratitude and Three Symbols)
•    Visualize the object surrounded with white light, if possible.
•    State (intend) – “This vehicle/human/place is being surrounded with a Divinely Balanced Shield of Protective Energy.”
•    Draw/chant the second and third symbols once again.
•    Do Reiki for around 10-15 minutes or longer if required.
The protection shield automatically takes care of fuel efficiency and breakdowns-only-when-convenient for vehicles. For living spaces you will notice that pests like ants, cockroaches and lizards etc. will suddenly disappear or their numbers are significantly reduced.  Try it – who says Reiki is for serious stuff only?

Permanent Shields:

For permanent shields, the process time varies according to the individual case. For example, a vehicle which is on the road for more than hundred kilometers a day or is being used in crowded areas will need a stronger protection as compared to a vehicle that is not being used that much. Similarly, a travelling salesperson requires more protection as compared to someone who does not move around that much. Likewise, properties having relatively larger numbers of visitors need more protective energy. More energy is also required when the visitors bring harmful vibrations with them.

Start the process as outlined above (Steps 1 – 5) FOR all humans, vehicles, properties etc.
Do Reiki (twice in a day is preferred) for the next seven days.
Then Do Reiki on alternate days for one week.
This is to be followed up Reiki sessions on every third day for another week.

Maintain the dosage with:
One session every week FOR Vehicles and Humans who travel a lot everyday and also for Places that have a lot of visitors
One session every fortnight FOR vehicles that are not used that often / people who are relatively not mobile and places that do not have too many
This is to be done for as long as you want the protection shield to be in place. Generally, Reiki channels themselves do not require separate time for creating protection shields for themselves or they can make the intention along with the self-healings.

To further elaborate the above process:
-    The day when the process is started is Day 1
-    Reiki sessions are required everyday from Day 1 to Day 7
-    Then Do Reiki on Days 9, 11 and 13
-    Follow up with sessions on Days 16 and 19.
-    These sessions will build up the basic level of protective energy which needs to be maintained with Reiki sessions every week or every fortnight, as the case may be.

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