Friday 20 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 1. The Natural Ability to Heal (that we humans have apparently lost)

As a teenager, the thought that used to bother me every now and then was “Why do we humans have to struggle and work hard in order to be healthy while all the other animals apparently live in a state of great health effortlessly?” 

We (generally) are unable to attain the state of health that we desire in spite of putting in hours of hard work i.e. if at all we are able to put in the efforts that are desired. It is a rare human who is able to attain great vibrant health and also be able to maintain it over a lifetime – even for the fittest among us.

I do think that the animals living in the wild, on the other hand, have it easy. “What a comparison?” some may say. But please bear with me. I do like to believe that the wild animals do not have to constantly watch what they are eating, when they are eating and whether or not they are getting all the nutrients that are required by their bodies.

And yet they are healthy in a natural effortless kind of way. Are you getting what I am trying to say here or where am I coming from??

All things considered, being a healthy human is a rather challenging task in spite of the large amount of knowledge that is readily available. The fact that most of this knowledge seems to be rather contradictory is also adding to the confusion.

* * * *
Somewhere along the line of growing up, I remember reading or hearing the phrase ‘Mind over Matter’

For most part of my life however, I did not know what these words really meant. It was while going through the process of attending the Second Degree Reiki workshop that Mind-over-Matter stopped being the intellectual concept that it had been.

We also frequently hear/read these days that, “Harmony at the level of Body, Mind and Soul is necessary for one to have great vibrant health”. Now, I am not sure whether even the ones who use this phrase really know what this really means other than in a rather abstract kind of a way.

The crazy reality is that most humans still believe even today that Physical Health is just a factor of what all we eat and whether or not due care is being taken of the body in terms of proper exercise, watching the weight etc.


This is a very, very limiting and damaging belief system as I discovered during the Second Degree Reiki training. There is a definite link between the Mind and the Physical ailments whether anyone believes it or not.

My reality was that I used to run to a Doctor the moment I had any kind of niggles, cough, cold etc. This is what the masses are doing even today and should not be blamed for because this is the sad reality of the prevailing Mass Consciousness.

Not much knowledge is readily available regarding the alternative and complementary therapies. Even today.

Much less is known to support the belief that the human body has a tremendous ability to heal itself. We seem to have almost forgotten that this is a gift that all animals are blessed with. 

The reality is that man is the only animal who is not using this ability.

Why do our bodies not heal themselves naturally and spontaneously? My ongoing research has revealed that we do not allow it to happen. 

The key words here are: “Humans Do Not Allow Healing to Happen Naturally and Spontaneously”.  This is a reflection of the belief systems that we are living with.

* * * *
Taking care of the stresses on a daily basis is the first step to create the environment that can ultimately lead to a state of existence where the Body can heal itself.

Stresses exist in the mind which can’t be seen and therefore can’t be touched. First Degree Channels having the limited ability to heal with touch are therefore not able to do much about healing the mind.

The distance healing ability associated with the Second Degree Reiki practice helps the practitioner to work on and eventually change the damaging thought patterns linked to their personal ailments.

This is the starting process of working on the MIND aspect in the Body-Mind-Soul link of our ailments.

[At this stage, we unfortunately have to ignore the ‘Soul Aspect’ as that is beyond the purview of Second Degree coaching. Let the Soul Aspect be a cerebral concept only for the time being.]

The fact that the Body and the Mind are inseparably linked becomes believable when we observe that it is not the Physical Body alone that suffers whenever we fall sick. Physical ailments are invariably accompanied by diminished mental abilities. Not only that, we feel emotionally drained as well. The degree of discomfort at the level of the mind is directly proportional to the nature and the extent of the (physical) disease. This is something that most of us may already have personally experienced or observed.

Research is also proving beyond any shadow of doubt that people having mental and emotional problems are the ones who are more likely to fall sick. (Appendix 1) Logic, therefore, dictates that the mind should be healed BEFORE it gets a chance to become a disease of the physical body.

As things now stand in the current era of specialized Medical practice, only the Psychiatrists are trained (and allowed) to take care of the Minds of the patients. For the patients who go to other Medical practitioners for their routine ailments, the focus is on treating the physical body alone – nothing is done for their mental, emotional and spiritual health.

The additional dangerous trend (today) is that various organs and systems of the human body are being treated in isolation.

As if they work independently of each other. The days of the general physician are almost over, aren’t they?

Are we not forgetting that Nature has NOT created us this way? All human systems are inter-linked and inter-dependent and SHOULD be treated TOGETHER and not in isolation, as is the trend.

Is it any surprise that we humans seem to have lost the natural ability of the body to heal itself???

The fact that Reiki therapy is gaining more acceptance can be gauged from the fact that this is being researched actively in various hospitals in the West. (Appendix 2) The results of these studies, once available, would definitely validate what the dedicated practitioners of Reiki are already experiencing in their individual lives, and that is peace and harmony within.

This is the beginning.

Eventually, we humans will understand how to allow our bodies to heal on their own – Effortlessly, Spontaneously and Naturally.

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