Tuesday 24 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 6. Full Body Treatments for More Than One Person Simultaneously

The three methods of Full Body treatments discussed in the previous chapter can also be used for doing Full Body treatment for two (and even more than two) persons simultaneously. Doing full body treatment for self and someone else at the same time is now possible.

First Method for Two persons – By touching Self

a.    Use the three symbols first for the partner and then again for self to start the healing process. This is after the Attitude of Gratitude etc. The symbols are used in two sets, once for each healee.

b.    Start the process by touching yourself at the Eyes or the Root Chakra or wherever else you are starting the session from. 

c.    The intention is now for healing two persons simultaneously. A simple healing intention could be - Our Eyes (partner’s and mine) are getting healed at all the Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Levels.

d.    Use the Second and Third symbols once again, and not twice for two persons. This is because the symbols are now for empowering the above intention. The bridge (connection) is already in place thanks to the Step a. above.

e.    Wait for the remaining portion of the three minutes music to be over before moving your hands to the next position. 

f.    Again repeat the intention for this new position and use the Second and Third Symbols once to empower this new intention.

g.    Go on Doing Reiki for the complete body (as in the First Degree) in a similar manner.

Second Method for Two persons – By using a surrogate like a Teddy Bear / Doll / Pillow / Thighs etc.

The process involves touching an object and intending that Reiki is now being done for two persons instead of one. All that is needed is the three symbols first for the partner and then the three symbols for self.

Then touch the surrogate object and intend that healing is being done for two persons at the point (Eyes, Temples, etc.). Repeat the Second and Third symbol ONCE for empowering this intention, wait for the remaining portion of three minutes (or longer as desired) before moving to the next position.

Third Method for Two persons – Purely by Intention of Distant Healing

It is the intention for healing two persons instead of one and the symbols are used as already discussed in the previous pages.

The process is the same as discussed in the Section for self-healing above. The only change is the additional symbols for the partner and the intentions for healing two persons instead of one.

Full Body Treatments for a Group

Once you are comfortable with being able to do full body treatments for two (one plus one) persons simultaneously, you can then include another partner in the sessions. Give yourself (and your body) another week or so to get comfortable with the energy requirements of three persons simultaneously before taking on a third partner.

If you are able to visualise all the persons that you are healing in one place (like in a kind of group photograph), then you can just ‘use’ the three symbols on this ‘photograph’ ONCE only at the beginning of the session. The second and third symbols are then used ONCE for each new position, i.e. ONCE for each NEW intention.

A word of caution – working with a large group simultaneously would logically result in a lot of energy flow through your system which would naturally bring about tremendous changes at ALL levels of your being – Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.  And as has already been mentioned, the process of change is not always very comfortable. Please note that you HAVE to be ready for these positive changes or else you may find that you are not able to do any further treatments.

For healers who have done adequate full body treatments at the First Degree Level AND want to save some time: You can do Reiki on two positions simultaneously with one hand on each position. For example, you can place one hand on the Throat Chakra and the other on the Heart Chakra instead of first doing three minutes of healing on the Throat Chakra and then another three minutes on the Heart Chakra. This would enable you to do Full Body Treatments in 45-50 minutes instead of the usual 72 minutes.

Who should be doing Full Body Treatments REGULARLY?

‘One full body treatment everyday’ is recommended for everyone. However, not many can lead such disciplined lives. Generally, most channels stop doing full body treatment everyday after the initial commitment of three to four weeks. Excuses put forth are many and include boredom, not having the time or the freedom to practice, too much of travelling etc. 

The following GUIDELINES should help in understanding your personal requirements:

a.    Those suffering from already diagnosed diseases require full body treatments on a regular basis.

b.    The ones who are experiencing pain and suffering due to problems that the physicians are unable to diagnose, full body treatments everyday help relieve pain and suffering.

c.    Those suffering from minor physical ailments of a repetitive nature, at least three to four sessions of full body treatments every week are recommended till such time that their bodies become normal and disease free.

d.    Women are also recommended to do regular full body treatments before and during the periods. Regular Full body Reiki treatments are also helpful during the stressful time generally associated with menopause.

e.    Full body treatments also work wonders during pregnancies. These treatments prove beneficial for the new born too. After childbirth, the mothers are recommended to do regular full body treatments so that their bodies can recover faster and they can resume normal activities as soon as possible. More the treatments, faster the recovery.

f.    A few sessions of Full body treatments are recommended prior to being operated in planned surgeries. Post-operative recovery is much faster whenever full body treatments are provided regularly before and after the surgery.

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