Saturday 21 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 3. The Second Degree Practice

There are two basic levels of learning in the Reiki System: the First Degree and the Second Degree. The First Degree channels have the limited ability of working on the physical level with very minor gains at the Mental and Emotional levels. 

The Second Degree practice gets much better as it enables working on all these levels simultaneously. A confident Second-Degree channel has the ability to work on all possible problems that can crop up in the life of a modern human – a few of which have been discussed in the previous post.

Please note that I have italicised and underlined the word ‘confident’ in order to draw attention to this aspect.

Although the basic techniques of Second-Degree practice can be learnt in a matter of a few hours, mastering the art takes a bit of persistent practice. As with all other skills in life, doing Reiki with confidence can be mastered over time. New channels generally go through a period of learning and growth where some great results happen interspersed with falling-on-the-face kind of experiences. Patience and expanding your skills is what is needed.

The Second Degree class involves:

Attunement: The Attunement of the Second Degree Level increases the intensity of the energy flow substantially which some say is by a factor of five, often it is much more.

The Three Symbols: The channels are taught, and attuned to the three symbols that are the basic tools of the Second Degree healing.

First Symbol: HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN (also known as the Distant Symbol)

The first symbol is the Absent Healing symbol that helps to create a bridge between the Reiki Channel and the Healee. Energy is drawn across this bridge through time and space.

HON SHA ZE SHO NEN means that a sincere and understanding person is moving in the right direction towards Enlightenment, towards the real nature, towards the real Centre of one's being.

Second Symbol: SEI-HE-KI (also known as the Emotional Symbol)

The second symbol is the Emotional Healing Symbol and is used to take care of the stress and disease-causing blocks that interfere with the free flow of energy. Balance is brought to the physical, emotional and mental levels once these blocks are removed and the energies allowed to be flowing freely.

SEI HE KI means to balance that which is unbalanced.

Third Symbol: CHO-KU-REI (also known as the Power Symbol)

The third symbol enables an amplification of the Reiki energy.
CHO KU REI means to make space in order that divine energy may enter.

How to use these symbols is taught in the class room but the rule of thumb is that every time any symbol is drawn, its name is repeated three times – mentally or otherwise.

Technique of Distance or Remote Healing

There are two distinct steps in all healing situations that I like to call as the “Doing” part and the “Non Doing” part. Healers have to “Do” something to start the healing process, then ‘get out of the way’ into the “Non-Doing” mode where Reiki takes over and healing starts.

To review the First Degree Practice in light of this, the healer states the Attitude of Gratitude and then touches the recipient. This is the “Doing” part. 

The Non-Doing happens when all that the healer has to do is to sit and allow healing to take place. No particular thoughts are required for better or faster results.

It is like sitting in the sun - the result will be the same irrespective of what we are doing while enjoying the sunlight: be it reading, drinking, chatting, listening to music etc. Do we need to think any particular ‘thoughts’ for better effect of the sunlight? NO.

So it is while healing with Reiki.

Both are important – it is the “Doing” part that allows a healer to slip into the “Non-Doing” mode.

Actual healing takes place when the healer is not doing anything mentally thus allowing the Reiki energy to “Do” everything.

The following is the comparison of the process involved (of Doing and Non-Doing portions) for First & Second Degree practice.

The word 'Use' above means "draw once and mentally speak the name thrice".

"Non-Doing" Portion of Healing
Now, if you sit long enough, preferably with your eyes closed, you may notice some sensations in your hands and your breathing becoming deeper. You will feel that something is happening. This is an experiential thing and is something that can’t be defined as different individuals experience different sensations.
The mind may initially become a bit restless. It is then that you need to keep on sitting in a quiet zone and Not-Do anything. If you sit long enough, you will notice that the mind will eventually become quieter and quieter.
You may end up being in a zone known as a deep meditative state where you may even forget that you are sitting and doing healing work.
I believe that this is the state of mind when the best results occur. This experience has been shared by many channels over the years.
At this juncture, it is important to review some of the initial good experiences of the First Degree practice in light of this information. You did not know what to expect in those healing situations and therefore, there were no expectations of the results at that time. Therefore, your mind did not interfere with the results.
What usually happens after a few weeks of practice (during which some amazing results may have manifested) is that the mind of the channel starts ‘interfering’ in the healing process – it now starts ‘expecting’ great results in each and every healing situation. This is the first stumbling block that all healers have to invariably face and overcome. (This is very important to understand and merits re-reading a few times.)
Understand that it is often the attachment to the results (because of the expectations) that interferes with the healing – our mind interferes and does not ALLOW Reiki to Do what is needed.
You will personally discover that your mind will no longer be attached to the result IF you allow it to go to a meditative state, which may last for a few moments only during each session – but this will be sufficient time for the current healing situation.
This childlike state of mind is the best state to be in for great results to happen – sitting quietly without expectations gets you into this child like state and therefore the results.
Not only that, a mind that is allowed to drift into this state may then also be guided by INTUITION to "DO" what other things need to be done which will further aid in getting good results. For instance, you may be intuitively guided to use one or the other symbol again. Or you may be guided to perform some specific action for the healing situation – like eat some particular food or maybe visit some particular doctor. It is imperative to listen to this guidance coming from within and DO what it is telling you.
It is really very easy once you get the hang of it and allow things to happen naturally. Start with the Doing part and then sit quietly. You will automatically slip into the Non-Doing part after some time.
As a basic rule of thumb – you should always come out of ALL healing situations in a relaxed state of mind.
Please also note that your physical body may feel tired during the INITIAL days of practice because of the intensity of Detoxification, especially if you have not been doing self-healings at the First Degree level, but your mind should be very relaxed at the end of all healing sessions.
A mind in a state of turmoil at the end of any healing session indicates that the healing session is not quite over yet. Do healing for some more time whenever this happens – it will be worth it. Else it will reflect adversely in the Quality of the Healing and this is something you obviously do not want.
Allow results to happen – do not try to make them happen.
Many have fallen on the wayside because they had expectations of fantastic results even before attempting the healing. Magical results may take place occasionally. Give yourself time to grow. Allow results to manifest. You are, after all, a Human Being whose mind is going to wander, to have thoughts, to have expectations and to be attached to the results especially when working with near and dear ones.
Do not give up when results are not forthcoming. You will observe that with regular Reiki practice over a period of time your initial expectations will disappear every time you sit to heal. This state of mind will then allow amazing results to happen, whenever appropriate.
Do not fall into the trap of judging yourself as having failed every time the results are not to your liking. It is Reiki's way of telling you that something else is required. You need to learn a bit more, to DO and to NOT-DO a bit more.
It is important that you do not give up. No one ever FAILS on this PATH. Everyone succeeds – eventually. Just BE. 
Keep on Doing (or should I say Non-Doing) Reiki regularly.
Be patient. One day, it will be worth it.  Then you will be glad that you spent the time – to learn, to practice and to digest.

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