Tuesday 24 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 5. Full Body Treatments for Self

A First Degree Channel’s healing abilities has limitations – the foremost being the necessity of touching in all healing situations which just might not be possible in certain situations. Some First Degree Reiki channels are unable to do self treatment even for their own Back Points – maybe because of some physical problems that restrict the movement of the arms.

The Distant Healing ability of the Second Degree comes in handy for all Reiki channels facing these kinds of problems.

Having said that, touch treatments are known to be more effective (at least in the initial learning stages) and it is recommended that this system be used whenever it is a viable option for a few weeks or even months after learning the concepts of the Second Degree. Use the touch system till such time that the belief that “Distant Healing Works” does not become a part of your personal consciousness.

Doing Full Body Treatment for Self

• Sit quietly for a few moments and get centred.
• Start with the Starting Sequence, if desired, as described in the previous chapter.
• State the Attitude of Gratitude.
• Use the three symbols one by one, i.e. mentally (or physically) draw each symbol once and speak the names three times. (HSZSN, SHK and CKR)
• Switch on the music and do the self-healing by either one or a combination of the methods discussed below. For example, you can use the First method for the front and the Second method for the back body.

First Method – By touching Self 
a. After the initial Distant connection has been made (by using the three symbols as described above), you should now be lying down or sitting comfortably.

b. Start the process of Full Body treatment as in the First Degree by touching yourself at the point from where you want to start the treatment. It could be the Eyes, Root Chakra, or any other point.

c. Silently state the appropriate intention, which could be: “Reiki is healing my (the point being touched) completely.”

d. Use the Second and Third symbols. Just once is enough, as these will empower the above intention. (SHK and CKR)

e. The above steps will take about 20-30 seconds of time. Now all you need to do is maintain the touch and allow healing to take place. The duration could be the remaining portion of the three minutes (or longer if required) before moving your hands to the next position e.g. temples.

f. Again repeat the intention for this next position i.e. temples and use the Second and Third Symbols again. (SHK and CKR)

g. Go on Doing Reiki for the complete body (as in the First Degree) in a similar manner.

Second Method - By touching a surrogate like a Teddy Bear / Doll / Pillow / Thighs etc. 
This method involves touching some other object and intending that Reiki is being done for you instead. You can use a Doll or a stuffed animal as a surrogate. Just touch the surrogate at the eyes (for example) with both hands and intend that healing is being done for your own eyes instead. Use Second and Third symbols for this intention and do healing for the first three minutes (or longer if required). Move on to the Temples of the Teddy/Doll and intend that your Temples are receiving the healing.

The only difference between the First and the Second Method is that the intention shifts slightly when you are touching yourself directly as compared to using the ability of Distant Healing for touching yourself while touching some other object.

In case you are using an object where the body parts are not clear (e.g. a Pillow / or your Thighs instead of a Doll/ Teddy), then you will have to ‘declare’ or visualise in advance which portion of the object (Thigh/Pillow) is representing which part of your own body.

The general convention being followed is that the right thigh represents the front body and the left thigh, the back body. The eyes would be on the two sides of the right knee, the temples on the sides of the knee, the ears on the side of the legs just above the knee, the throat chakra on top of the knee, the heart chakra a little way up the thigh and so on.
The rest of the process i.e. The Attitude of Gratitude, Symbols and Intentions etc. remains the same.

Some new channels may feel initially that this system does not give results that are as good as those obtained while doing Touch Healing. This is because the belief system of Distant Reiki is not yet strong enough and some concepts need to be fully understood through self experience before this can happen.

Understand that this is an appropriate part of the learning process and you need to keep on experimenting with an open mind, that’s all. Results will invariably follow whenever it is appropriate and when you are ready.

Third Method – Purely by Intention of Distant Healing 
This is the toughest and also the easiest method – tough because healers need to have the belief system that Distant Reiki Works fully ingrained in their consciousness. Once that happens, this method of healing becomes the most efficient and also the easiest as no specific time is needed to be set aside for the healing work. Yes multitasking is possible in this field too.

Healing can then be done along with other routine activities that do not need the use of the creative mind. Creative activities and Reiki working somehow can not be done together. Reiki sessions before some creative activity is undertaken are recommended but not along with it.

Some channels do tend to drift into a deep sleep while the healing process is on and ‘forget’ that they were doing the healing. For such channels it is recommended that the channels be Sitting and not Lying Down. Sit with the palms open and eyes closed and intend that the various parts of the body be healed one by one. The Attitude of Gratitude and the Symbols have to be used as in the First Method.

The healing sessions become relatively shorter with this method.

Practice all the three methods and then use the one you like the best and are most comfortable with. The First Method initially gives the best results because the intention to heal is the strongest when there is the constant reminder of ‘touch’ along with moving the hands every three minutes or so. Know that your abilities will improve with time. With regular practice, you may be able to get the effect of full body treatment in a matter of a few minutes and that too, without touching. However, do not try too many short cuts too soon.

As has already been mentioned, new channels are generally comfortable using the Touch method for the Front Body and the Distant method for the Back while using surrogates like Stuffed Animals, Thighs, Pillows etc.

Experiment and settle for the method that you are most comfortable with and then evolve over time.

* * * *

One of the MAJOR advantages of the Second Degree level is the ability to do healing work on more than one person simultaneously. As this is distant healing stuff, the Distance Healing Channels and the Healees do not need to be present in the same space. How to do that will be discussed in the next chapter.

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