Drawing the Symbols:
When drawing the symbols, there are several methods that can be used. You may draw them in your mind. Or you may literally draw them in the space in front of you by using the tips of your fingers. You can also sketch the symbols on the palm of a hand with your forefinger of the other hand. I personally recommend drawing the symbols in the mind to avoid attracting attention while doing Reiki in public places.
Some books recommend visualising the symbols as strongly as possible while drawing them. This may prove to be a daunting task for many and, in my opinion, is not required. Doing Reiki is a very gentle process and it is not at all necessary to ‘hold’ or ‘visualise’ the symbols in the mind while drawing them. If it happens, great but if the symbols do not stay in the mind, it’s okay. Draw the individual lines one by one and then forget about them. The results are the same irrespective of whether the lines are etched on stone or drawn on paper, sand or on the surface of water.
I will repeat – just mentally draw the lines one by one and then forget about them. It is okay if the drawn lines stay in the conscious mind, okay if they don’t.
At times it is possible that the symbols do not come out as perfect as we would like them to be. Do not be too disturbed if this happens. If you feel that it is close enough, then it is okay. However, in case you ‘feel’ that you have made a mistake then ‘sweep’ the wrong symbol aside and draw it all over again.
At times, you may realise that you are unintentionally chanting the name of one symbol while tracing another one. This too is okay but in case you feel that a mistake has been made, then chant the correct name thrice and get on with it.
Now on to some additional tips:
Starting Sequence
You may use the following Starting Sequence before any healing session
a. Begin by tracing all of the symbols on both the palms in the following order: Power Symbol (Cho-Ku-Rei), Mental/Emotional Symbol (Sei-He-Ki), and finally the Distant Healing Symbol (Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen).
b. Trace a large Power Symbol in the space in front of you.
c. Visualise little Power symbols on each of your chakras, beginning at the Root and proceeding upward to the Crown. The one visualised over the crown chakra is laid flat on top of the head. Try visualising more than one in this area as it may help to open you up as a clearer channel for the energy. Likewise visualise additional Power Symbols on the Root Chakra for a grounding effect.
The steps a., b. and c. above are said to elevate your own vibrations and to open you up to become the clearest channel possible for the energy. These are not necessary part of the healing system and may be used at your discretion.
Is FAITH in Reiki required?
Yes, a bit of faith in Reiki does come in handy for the journey ahead. Remember this was not a pre-condition for the First-Degree workshop.
For becoming a successful and confident Second-Degree healer, it is recommended that you should have developed a little faith in the Reiki system of healing. This ‘faith’ should have developed, preferably, as a result of the healing sessions done for self and/or others, obviously with the techniques and understandings of the First Degree.
Faith develops over time with repeated, persistent practice.
Faith sinks in when you are in touch with Reiki over a period of time. It becomes your own faith once you have given yourself the benefit of varied experience.
Channels who have done about three to four weeks of First Degree practice and whose basic doubts have been taken care of (maybe in a follow up session or two) have this wee bit of faith in Reiki that then serves as a solid foundation on which to build upon.
How about self-confidence in one’s own abilities of healing?
No, this is definitely not required in the initial stages. Self-confidence will develop over time AFTER putting into practice the principles and techniques learnt in the Second Degree class.
It is important to note that ‘Faith’ is different from ‘Self-confidence as a healer’. Confidence in your own healing abilities is NOT a pre-condition for enrolling for the Second-Degree class.
Like faith, self-confidence also develops over time with persistent practice; only it takes a little bit longer. It grows rapidly once more Reiki treatments are done for others. This is because all of us are not born with the gift to be able to notice the changes when we do self-healings. It is only when we work with others that the results are more evident or verbalised. Most of us generally tend to downplay our own achievements and are unable to pat ourselves on the back. We recognise our own strengths only when others point them out to us. Our self-confidence gets a tremendous boost when we are able to successfully help others.
This level of healing is almost impossible at the First Degree Level and therefore a very confident First-Degree healer is practically non-existent. I have yet to meet one in all these years of practice.
You will do well to remember that a First Degree Channel is a partial healer. At best he can provide relief – working on the very roots of problems is a different matter altogether. He just cannot reach the levels of the mind (and definitely not the soul) where the physical ailments are actually being birthed. Just like a child cannot read words and sentences after learning the basic alphabet, a First Degree channel cannot completely heal – not because he does not want to but because of the limitations of the First-Degree level. A Second Degree is the minimum requirement.
Briefly speaking, the following are the steps for becoming a successful healer:
• Wanting to be a healer – not from desperation but through choice.
• Having a bit of faith in the Reiki system of healing.
• Taking the opportunities to heal as and when they present themselves in life.
• Persisting with doing Reiki, in spite of the negative results that are inevitable at times and are in fact opportunities for learning and growth.
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