Tuesday 24 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 6. Full Body Treatments for More Than One Person Simultaneously

The three methods of Full Body treatments discussed in the previous chapter can also be used for doing Full Body treatment for two (and even more than two) persons simultaneously. Doing full body treatment for self and someone else at the same time is now possible.

Reiki II - Ch 5. Full Body Treatments for Self

A First Degree Channel’s healing abilities has limitations – the foremost being the necessity of touching in all healing situations which just might not be possible in certain situations. Some First Degree Reiki channels are unable to do self treatment even for their own Back Points – maybe because of some physical problems that restrict the movement of the arms.

The Distant Healing ability of the Second Degree comes in handy for all Reiki channels facing these kinds of problems.

Having said that, touch treatments are known to be more effective (at least in the initial learning stages) and it is recommended that this system be used whenever it is a viable option for a few weeks or even months after learning the concepts of the Second Degree. Use the touch system till such time that the belief that “Distant Healing Works” does not become a part of your personal consciousness.

Monday 23 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 4. Few More Tips for an Enhanced Experience

Drawing the Symbols:

When drawing the symbols, there are several methods that can be used. You may draw them in your mind. Or you may literally draw them in the space in front of you by using the tips of your fingers. You can also sketch the symbols on the palm of a hand with your forefinger of the other hand.  I personally recommend drawing the symbols in the mind to avoid attracting attention while doing Reiki in public places.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 3. The Second Degree Practice

There are two basic levels of learning in the Reiki System: the First Degree and the Second Degree. The First Degree channels have the limited ability of working on the physical level with very minor gains at the Mental and Emotional levels. 

The Second Degree practice gets much better as it enables working on all these levels simultaneously. A confident Second-Degree channel has the ability to work on all possible problems that can crop up in the life of a modern human – a few of which have been discussed in the previous post.

Reiki II - Ch 2. Link between Thoughts, Stresses & Diseases

An average human being at any given point in time has hundreds, maybe thousands of thoughts occupying the space of his mind every day. These thoughts, though seemingly innocuous, have the potential to transform into stresses which can then become ticking time bombs having the potential to turn into major ailments.

These thoughts need to be dealt with appropriately at the proper time preferably before the related diseases manifest in the physical body.

For example, Financial Situation can be the main stress in an individual’s life. This stress is not a physical disease to start with AND can actually work in his favour. This will happen only if he makes a conscious decision to look at, and then work upon, the reasons for his current financial state. On the other hand, the same stress, if left unchecked, can result in an increased blood pressure. This, we already know is the starting point for a number of other physical ailments.

Friday 20 December 2013

Reiki II - Ch 1. The Natural Ability to Heal (that we humans have apparently lost)

As a teenager, the thought that used to bother me every now and then was “Why do we humans have to struggle and work hard in order to be healthy while all the other animals apparently live in a state of great health effortlessly?” 

We (generally) are unable to attain the state of health that we desire in spite of putting in hours of hard work i.e. if at all we are able to put in the efforts that are desired. It is a rare human who is able to attain great vibrant health and also be able to maintain it over a lifetime – even for the fittest among us.

I do think that the animals living in the wild, on the other hand, have it easy. “What a comparison?” some may say. But please bear with me. I do like to believe that the wild animals do not have to constantly watch what they are eating, when they are eating and whether or not they are getting all the nutrients that are required by their bodies.

And yet they are healthy in a natural effortless kind of way. Are you getting what I am trying to say here or where am I coming from??

All things considered, being a healthy human is a rather challenging task in spite of the large amount of knowledge that is readily available. The fact that most of this knowledge seems to be rather contradictory is also adding to the confusion.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Tuesday 30 April 2013

How to Do Reiki for an Unwilling Family Member?

“How to do Reiki for a close family member who is totally against Reiki?” was the question posed at the end of a recent first degree workshop by a new channel.

A direct answer will be, “Don’t even try it if the recipient is not ready”.
But this situation needs to be examined very, very closely and not just be brushed off as being something impossible.
There is a way around it but one that would require a very high level of trust at the very outset. Deep commitment to take a stand for the family’s health is another core ingredient. The energy of Hope is another useful energy to have in such situations.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Reiki I: Annexures

An Open Letter to the New Channels

Dear Reiki Channel,

Now that you are a First Degree Channel, your responsibility is to heal yourself first before thinking of healing others. 

If you are enjoying normal health and are not suffering from any chronic ailments, then do a full body treatment daily for a period of at least 21 days. Then try and make it a habit to do the treatments as recommended for the rest of your life.

If you are suffering from some chronic ailment, then do full body treatments for as long as required to take care of the ailment. Do additional Reiki at the positions that might need it in addition to the full body sessions. These specific positions should be treated for at least 2-3 sessions of 30 minutes each.

Reiki I Chapter 12:Self-Love…Or the lack of it

Contributed by Dolly (Gurjeet) Makker
There are a number of books available in the market today that give a lot of information regarding Reiki and how people are using it in their daily lives to deal with their physical, mental and emotional problems. But these books do not discuss the basic problem - why some people are not motivated enough to practice Reiki even after becoming channels and getting first hand experience of this powerful energy.

The following article was contributed by my wife in the very first edition of this handbook that was written in 1997 with that in mind and may serve to motivate at least a few of these people.

I wish to add that in her case most of the predictions that she had made (at the end of the article) have come true. She has added a bit of weight but at the right places. Otherwise she looks the same as she did fifteen years ago. She has got a few grey strands but these are also good - she is aging gracefully and in a dignified kind of way.

Reiki I Chapter 11: Scanning and Healing

The palms of some new Reiki channels become sensitive to the subtle energies of Reiki within a few days of practice. This heightened sensitivity can be used by them quite effectively to sense the areas of the body where a patient needs more healing energies. 

The technique discussed below has been found to be very effective for providing quick relief when used during healing sessions for others as it helps in detecting the areas that require more life force energy. Healing can then be focused on these areas directly.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 10: Human Aura and the Chakra System

The word chakra means vortex or spinning wheel in the Sanskrit language. There are seven major chakras in addition to a number of minor ones in the human energy system. These chakras are an integral part of the invisible aura or the energy field that exists in and around all human beings.

The conventional medical literature does not yet acknowledge the existence of the human energy field and the chakras as these are invisible.

Reiki I Chapter 9: Belief Systems And Life Situations that Get In the Way

One of the tragedies of the Reiki system is that more than fifty percent channels do not progress beyond the First - Degree level of learning. This means that just have not got any benefit that this system can potentially bring into their lives.

Candid research with a large number of Reiki channels over the years has revealed some common reasons for their not being able to practice at the First Degree level. Obviously the faith does not develop and they keep on living their lives of resignation.

Some of these reasons are discussed in this chapter so that you know which pitfalls to avoid. 

In case you, the reader, can’t figure out your own reasons for not being able to practice, please feel free to get in touch; I am committed to ensure that everyone benefits.

Reiki I Chapter 8: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can Reiki help cure all diseases? 
  2. Does Reiki work for everyone?
  3. Is it necessary to have faith in Reiki in order to benefit from it?
  4. Is the Reiki channel’s own energy lost while treating others? Can he become weak in the process of treating others?
  5. Do we need to concentrate for successful Reiki practice? 
  6. It is possible to harm ourselves by excess of Reiki practice?
  7. Can a Reiki Channel teach others after attending the basic courses? 
  8. Can the channel cease to function if a Reiki Channel is unable to practice Reiki on a regular basis?
  9. How long do we need to practice Reiki after learning it?
  10. How long does it generally take (in terms of days, weeks or months) for a patient to be rid of his chronic disease with Reiki treatments? 
  11. Can more than one Reiki Channel do Reiki for the same person simultaneously? 
  12. Are there any specific requirements regarding time, place of practice etc. for successful Reiki practice? 
  13. What do we need to do if at all we encounter negative thoughts, doubts, fears and such while doing Reiki?
  14. Why do some people stop doing Reiki regularly in spite of it being so simple and easy?
  15. Is it possible for a Reiki healing facilitator to get the problems, diseases etc. of the person being healed during the healing process?
  16. Is the same kind of training being imparted in different workshops conducted by different Reiki Masters? 
  17. A few Masters Conduct Reiki workshops in only one day, so why should I attend seminars that are held over an extended period of time? 
  18. Does Reiki help increase the memory power and self-confidence?
  19. Where else can Reiki be used beside healing human beings?
  20. Why is it important to pay for learning Reiki and for getting Reiki treatments?
  21. Can woman learn and practice Reiki during periods and pregnancies?
  22. Should we stop taking the medicines for old chronic diseases while taking Reiki treatments?
  23. When should Reiki treatment not be given?
  24. Is it possible to get rid of addictions with the help of Reiki? 
  25. Can Reiki treatments bring about positive changes in behaviour?
  26. Can the results of Reiki healing guaranteed?

Reiki I Chapter 7: Detoxification and Reiki

It is true that there are a lot of people who are leading fulfilling and healthier lives after creating the same with the help of Reiki. The failure stories are many times more and by far the single largest contributor to this is Failure to understand the process of Detoxification that invariably sets in after a few healing sessions.

There are plenty of unpleasant symptoms of the Detoxification Process and a proper understanding of these symptoms is of utmost importance in order to become a successful practitioner.

Reiki I Chapter 6: Levels of Learning in Reiki

Traditionally, the knowledge of Reiki used to be imparted in three distinct stages which were Beginners, Advanced and Reiki Master Levels.

•    New students were taught to do Hands-on or Touch healing (for themselves and others) at the Beginner’s Level.

•    The Advanced Level practitioners were taught how to do Remote or Distance Healing in addition to doing Hands-on treatment.

•    The Reiki Master Level was the final learning stage.

A few Masters are still following this system – only the names have changed to First Degree, Second Degree and Reiki Master Levels.

Monday 15 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 5: The 24 Hand Positions and Standard Operating Procedure for Healing

Reiki treatments on the following 24 positions constitute a full body healing session. Reiki is generally done for a minimum time of three minutes on each of these points. The seven chakras are automatically covered within these positions.

Reiki I Chapter 4: Healing Sessions

Starting the Session

All healing sessions begin with the following short prayer, also known as the Attitude of Gratitude:

•    First thank yourself.

•    Next thank Reiki energy for being with you during the session

•    In case the healing session is for someone else, then thank that person too.

•    Thank God, Nature, Dr. Mikao Usui, any Devas that you have faith in, your teachers, parents, family members etc.

If someone is not the praying kind and does not want to start off with this prayer, it is perfectly fine because it is the intention to heal and not the prayer that activates the flow of energy. The prayer is just a way to bring this intention into conscious awareness. Reiki starts flowing the moment the intention is there, with or without the prayer.

Reiki I Chapter 3: Principles of Reiki

The Five Principles of Reiki and the Principle of Energy Exchange were formulated when Dr. Usui realised that the spirit also needed to be healed along with the physical body for the results of the healing to be permanent. These are:

Reiki I Chapter 2: History of Reiki

The following information was gleaned from various sources and I am not stating that it is totally authentic.  Some researchers claim that Dr. Mikao Usui was not linked to Christianity at all but this angle was added to make Reiki more acceptable in the West. In any case, it is not the History that matters, rather how we are able to learn and apply it in our lives.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Reiki I Chapter 1: Reiki – An Introduction

The word ‘Reiki’ (pronounced Ray-Key) comes from two Japanese words Rei and Ki.

REI:  A widely accepted interpretation of Rei is Universal or that which is present everywhere. The Japanese Kanji characters have several levels of meanings ranging from the ordinary to the more cryptic. ‘Supernatural Knowledge’, ‘Spiritual Consciousness’ or simply ‘God Consciousness’ are more accurate and apt interpretations for the Kanji of the word Rei.

KI:  Ki is the same as Chi in Chinese, Ti or Ki in Hawaiian, Ka of the Egyptians and Prana in our culture.

Rei + Ki: The word Reiki can be interpreted as Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy that exists all over the Universe.

In a way, Reiki can be said to be another form of the Life Force Energy that permeates, circulates within and fills the entire being of all living beings.